Cut lawn, etc. Pap went to Red Bud took cement back; we went to Belleville this afternoon dentist. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here, cutting lawn etc. Clif Staheleber is 21 yrs. old today, says he is going to get drunk tonite, no matter what it costs, some ideas for 21 yr. old lad. Went out to Geo Schilling’s was going to pay lumber sawing, but he hasn’t got it figured out yet; seen the doll dressed in $1. with $25.00 sure looks beautiful, ribbon band with $1. shoes & hand bag, pleated dress of $1. bills; she got it from Indiana, stopped at Clevelands paid saw sharpening; went looked at oats & berries.
Sunday, Sept. 8, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Out to Uncle Fred’s dinner & supper. It rained a nice shower. Joe Griffin was annouced [sic] for 3rd time but the wedding was postponed, Mrs. Griffin is very low at present. Pete Kaiser had a head on collision car is total wreck, last Sun. at Belleville, 5 persons, were all taken to the hospital, he didn’t know nothing for 2 hrs. had a fractured skull; but is pretty good now. Holy Name Conference for men at Trenton today. We went to Paderborn to Totch’s to a free dance; & Boy! it started in to rain. Oh My!! the crowd started to leave, sure did have a crowd. Schoenborn & Schaefer played musci [sic]. Totsch’s served hot rump corn beef sandwiches. Kraemer & boys of Millsdadt, were going to fight, a constable made order, quite a few were feeling good. Geo. Mueth fell down outside, long as he was.
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