Monday, Jan. 7, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had breakfast & dinner here. they & papa went to E. St. Louis. Mr. Robert Laut came got sack alalfa [sic] hay. Osie Neff came asked about cutting a tree down at his road. H. M. Hill here gathering up news; wanted to buy ground along the road by his house, no bargains made yet; it is for parking space. It is awful cloudy; we baked bread, put the Snowball quilt in the frame. We all ate supper, played cards. Starting in to rain.

Saturday, Jan. 5, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, papa went along out to Henry’s, then they all went to E. St. Louis to the healer, Leona stayed in Waterloo. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for supper; then we all went to Foster Pond to a birthday & tacky party. Ed Pabst brought corn. Burgdorf looked at the heifer, but didn’t offer no price on it. Hogs $8.00.

Friday, Dec. 28, 1934

Papa & Rosalia took 2 hogs to Belleville. Henry & Leona went in with a calf. Kids stayed here. They also went over to E. St. Louis; came back, had dinner here. Eggs are 28¢ here. Hogs weighed 635 lbs. @ $7.00. Henry got $6.25 for his calf, 125 lbs.

Thursday, Sept. 28, 1933

Henry came up at 4:30 got the truck, took it home, loaded hogs, & came back again, took papa along, over to E. St. Louis stockyards, he got work from Hughes, to take them over on Suservind’s permit, government bought. It is raining, & awful dark all day. Clem Parker’s birthday is today 21 yrs old. Henry stayed for dinner. Bertille went over to Renneckers got quilt snowball sun flower pattern, we started the snowball, all little patches.

Wednesday, February 1, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went out to Uncle Freds remodeled dresses, had dinner & lunch. Bertille baked lemon pie there. We heard the Accidentals, Chas Hill & them played over the radio at noon hr; they had a good many tunes requested from all over, some from Waterloo, Sly Miller was one having his birthday today, they advertised the dance what he is giving at Brezzy [sic] Hill tonite. Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Hill & John Horn, from Hecker, & some from St. Louis, East St. Louis, Mo, different parts of Illinois, it was nice. Papa took dinner along & went out in the woods. Adolph Spalt’s had a pond digging frolic yesterday. Dr. Irwin died & will be buried Fri. morning. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Grohmann christened there baby girl Lucille Mildred last Sunday. Mr. August Ettling’s mother died at Smithon [sic]. There is quite a few people that is on the sick list at present. It is in the paper that a $25,000 suit was brought against Mr. & Mrs. Julius Armbruster of Smithon [sic] by Dominick Klein, for slander, saying that Klein’s owend [sic] a couple farms, then go out begging from people, or state.

Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1932

It is cool this morn, after the rain yesterday. Bertille went to the dentist this morn, got one finished & this afternoon got 3 more filled, & he cleaned them too, for $11.50. Septore from E. St. Louis stopped again & took 6 doz. eggs along, 25¢ doz. The Evangelical Ladies Aid are having a euchre at Kammler’s Hall this eve. We all went, 25¢ don. [donation] We went up to Mamie’s first & she went along over. Papa & Rosalia got prizes, a dish, & lemon squeezer, Papa had 5 points & Rosalia 7, Bertille 4 & Mamie had 4. It wasn’t a very large crowd at all. 11 tables in euchre, & about 25 bluey players. It started in to rain after we got home. Papa got Int. from Hempe.

Friday, Jan. 15, 1932

Today Father Sonnen gets buried, mass at E. St. Louis & out to Paderborn Cemetery. It rained hard last nite & colder this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are supposed to go to Jac. Urlet to a birthday dance, he is to play. There was a lady around selling magzaines [sic-magazines]. Papa fixed a little bench today.

Saturday, Oct. 3, 1931

Today, Mrs. Val Fritsche of E. St. Louis is having sale on the Fritsche farm about 2½ mils [sic] from Hecker, where Joe. Herzog now lives.  Also Leo Skaer of Millstadt is having sale, he lives on the Julius Stentcel farm, sale to start at 9 o clock.  We all went there.  Bertille rode along with Uncle Fred.  They had the dinner along, we left there about 4 clock, didnt’ get anything, they had so much to sell.