Easter church mass from 7:30 till 10:45 so long. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Leo & family were all here when we got back; all had chicken dinner, soup here, & also for supper. Bill [Klein] came took pictures. Brand’s family weren’t up to get Easter eggs. Rained a little.
Sunday, January 1, 1939
New Year (1939). Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile, then went home. Leo & family, came had dinner & supper here. We went over to see Ed Meng; looks natural, nice flowers. Sure some nice day just like Easter. warm out, beautiful.
Sunday, April 17, 1938
Easter. Beautiful day, had rain, wind, hail by Red Bud last nite. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henry & family, Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were all here for chicken dinner, & supper. Emil came awhile this afternoon. Bill Klein & Bert [Bertille] went to Floraville dance.
Sunday, May 2, 1937
Went to mass; Fr. Stern had it, but he isn’t so good he was invited to Ruma tomorrow on Pius Simpsons golden Wedd. anniversary, but he couldn’t go, says all he could invite us for his funeral, don’t think he will live to celebrate jubilee. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here, then went home. It rained again all afternoon & nite, it has rained every Sun. since Easter I believe & almost everyday.
Friday, April 9, 1937
Pap fixed fence. Bert cut lawn, set 2 hens, each with 1 duck eggs so far; just got the 2 from our duck. Baked cookies cake; colder this eve. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he pumped water out of cellar. Mr. Wilbur Osterbage & Alice Glessner of Waterloo were married at Kankakee on Easter Mon. was secret till recently, going to live with his parents on Park Street, he works with his father in contracting business; she is Mike Glessners daughter. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back again this eve. Leo & Rose came down to; brought eggs; want to butcher tomorrow.
Sunday, March 28, 1937
Easter. Henry & family & Leo & Rose & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were all here dinner & supper. Men folks played cards. Cool today. Lot people wearing there spring suits & outfits. Krupp of Millsdat [sic] was here looked at horses. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back this eve. Bert went along to Floraville to dance at Keim’s pretty large crowd music by Waterloo Wild cats; not so good. Schlotmann of Red Bud a baby boy, on Mar. 18; all doing well so they say.
Sunday, April 12, 1936
Easter. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family all had dinner & supper here, rabbit laid 16 eggs. Rain this morning, & that means 7 Sun. rain. Jim & Dick, Roy [unclear], Pete played at Foster Pond tonite. There is also a free dance at Paderborn, Totsch’s Hall; Skaers music.
Friday, April 10, 1936
Went to 8 o’clock service at Red Bud; then again at 12 till 3 o’clock, there are Devotions. Felicia Rascow came along up to Hecker, with us yesterday to got to Mrs. Staufenbiel, & went along back to Red Bud with us this morning. Roth of Brickey was buried at Round Praire [sic] cemetery this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kohler of Waterloo have a baby girl born at St. Marys Hospital.
Thursday, April 9, 1936
Holy. We went to 8 o clock high mass & couminoun [sic – communion]. Raining all morning. Berti took eggs up got 15½¢. Took the soap in.
Sunday, April 21, 1935
Easter. Henry & family were up for dinner & supper, rabbit laid 12 eggs. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary came this afternoon, had supper; We went to Church, 7:30 High mass & benediction. Mr. Tom Kelley of Tiptown died Fri. morning, will be buried, tomorrow morning, he made his home with Ambrose Doyle; buried from there to Tiptown church & cemetery.
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