Sunday, June 14, 1936

Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, awhile before mass. Mrs. Emma Eckert brought the veil back, had it borrowed for Emmie Solemn Coummioun [sic – Communion]. We went to Red Bud for 7:30 mass, but it is changed now to 6:30 & 8:30 masses, so we came to late, so stayed for high mass & benediction. The Evangical [sic] Church Ladies Aid got cold supper & pinic [sic] today, at church grounds. The Hecker Baseball Club has a dance at Kammler’s Hall musci [sic] by Schmidts. We went to pinic [sic] awhile. Pap went for supper, also Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary. Birkner’s Orch. played musci [sic]. Mrs. Milton Wagner won the free game of bluey, & also the quilt in lotto, & Mrs. Frieda Koreber won 1 quilt in bluey & 1 that was raffled out; sure luck. Edgar Wittenauer was stabbed with a knife last nite by Maniers, isn’t so bad; fellow from Athens; sheriff came out & took him to Waterloo Jail.

Wednesday, May 27, 1936

We had the 1st spring leghorn for dinner, small yet, but was pretty good; nice meal. Jac. Erle & guy were here talking house Ins; wrote the paper out, we are going to join in there Ins. Co. instead of Rapp’s at Columbia, that’s house & property Insurance. It is so hot again today, still no rain. Radio said at 5:30 this morn. it 70°. Pap got his hair cut, & also paid Dr. Eckert, $7.50 – $6. for going to Belleville, $1.50 for coming here that morning; he wouldn’t had to went to Belleville at all never, even came to see him while he was at the hospital, but he’s paid. We went out to Uncle Fred’s had supper, brought Oscar’s kids along from school; they were walking by the cemetery, took them up. Went over to Geo. Wagner’s this eve. awhile. Joe Wacthels went to a new barn dance, on Freeburg oil road, about 2 miles from Douglas tonite.

Tuesday, May 5, 1936

We worked in garden. McBride from Prairie Du Rocher came & brought over 2 heifers & sow for $65.00, pap bought from him the other day. We called Dr. Eckert this morning & he says the best thing pap could do is go to the hospital; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, this morning, yet; & pap went along in with Dr. this afternoon, & Uncle Fred & Rose went in together, but they came home again; he has room 104 at Belleville Hospital.

Sunday, April 19, 1936

Beautiful day, warm, no rain not so far. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped after church awhile. Mr. Geo Siefert of Red Bud died Fri, will be buried tomorrow morn. 9 o’clock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Mrs. Amanda Reheis & Josie Keller all stopped in, then went to the play, they were visiting Uncle this afternoon, the play was good “Bertie Cave Man,” was the name, players were Rallin & Clarence, Lyle, Vernice, Marjorie Rausch, Floyd Thompson, Hard Wagner, Alsace Eckert; use after the play musci [sic] by Wild Cat String Busters,” that Brun’s boys, Lav. Mueth & Lyle Rausch & boy was it a crowd; Adm 35¢. Arlene Klotz is getting along well.

Thursday, Jan. 23, 1936

In St. Louis it was 11 degrees below zero, this morning, pretty cold; but some places it is 66 & 55 below, tonight it is to be zero here, getting warmer, snow this morn, now sunshine. Papa went to Red Bud to see butcher & paid pew rent; Went to Mertz, wants to ship our calf. Hartmann of below Red Bed was here, looked at the horse. Mrs. A. Eckert & Roland Birkner’s birthday anniversary; this is the coldest weather ever been here, they claim; anyway when you ain’t use to it; have to making fire all the time. Calf 13¢.

Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1935

Election today, just 2 commissioners running, Vogt & Teonjes. Bertille’s 21 yr. birthday. We washed, hung it in basement. Chris Buehler stopped in, to tell papa about some hogs. Chas. Wagner came with some corn for his hogs here, Geo. Lorberg was going to get them this afternoon, & he did. Geo Boll was also along, they had taken stock to East St. Louis, then went to J. Friedrichs, had bought a heifer & brought a cow along for A. Eckert. Painted a few window frames this afternoon. A Wind Power Electric Agent was here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, called for Christ Kern’s to came here also, wanted to speak with them, so Mr & Mrs Kern & boy Leo came. We started fire in furnace for first time this year.

Monday, Nov. 4, 1935

Raining all day. A Midwest truck driver fell asleep driving & ran off the road on the other side of John Brauns house in the ditch & upset, took so long to get them out, lot town people went down; to see it. Alsace Eckert had a accident yesterday at Belleville, she was cut in the face, & car is a total wreck, they said. Harold Wagner was here & drove his pigs in our yard, they had just bought them, & got out & ran away on them, were out on the hard road by Meng’s lane, he was looking for them all morning. Surely is raining something terrible going around in the north, getting colder, yesterday we had the doors open, we went to bed early; this evening.

Monday, Sept. 30, 1935

We washed, ironed, patched. The Ladies Aid of the Evangical [sic] Church is giving a euchre party at Kammler’s Hall tonite. Werner Kammler is hauling coal in for Geo. Wagner. Al. Eckert had a accident in Belleville Fri. night, fender, & wheel smashed, to the corner to fast & upset on curbing, has the car fixed now. Milton Wagner’s called there little boy Darwin & Geo. Lorbergs called there girl Romona. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo, took papa watch in again & left it there for awhile now; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to the euchre, Uncle had 11 & got sauce pan, & Bert had 10 got little rug; not much of a crowd, & no prizes, 7 euchre tables.

Friday, Sept 6, 1935

Papa & Rose went out digging potatoes; stoped [sic] at Henry’s. Bert canned qt. pickles & ½ tomatoes. Papa hauled load wheat to Red Bud got 77¢, that is the fourth load from Hecker wheat. Bert Thompson sold his farm to Minor from Belleville; Al. Eckert Niede Rausch, Jul Rausch, are going to Waterloo High School, Fredrick Fritsche to New Athens, & Beata Stiffler to Red Bud, lots of high school students.

Friday, Aug. 30, 1935

We cleaned chicken house; canned peaches got 93 qts. Made perserves [sic]. Henry & family came got pk. basket peaches to cook as perserves [sic]. Elmer Weihl has a baby girl born at E. St. Louis on Aug. 23, – 2 weeks later than Rochies [? – unclear], make 2 grandaughters [sic] of Louis Weihl. It was in the paper that Al. Eckert 15 of Hecker was arrested for speeding last Sun. night at Belleville.