Bert [Bertille] went to funeral of Mr. Grahlerr to church, wasn’t so large. Pallbearers were Geo. Parker, Geo & Joe Groosheim, Joe Gregson, Nic Helfrich, Ignatz Neff. Henry & Leona went to Belleville left Billy [Willis] here. Washed this afternoon, scrubbed basement, washed kettles. Emil came but didn’t stay, we were busy. Mr. Herbert looked at horse. Emil came over, again this eve. awhile; he told us Louie Gregson was ill; Alf. Eckert upset his dodge Sun. eve. by Belleville. Otto Koch’s girl Erma is missing since Sun. nite, got the fellow down in Chester, but he didn’t talk up yet; she is from Red Bud.
Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1937
Canned 12 qt. peaches, 1 green gage, cooked catsup. Painter finished this morn.; this afternoon working out at Henrys pap went out to filling in the outside cracks & spaces; took basket peaches along out. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, moving Christ Buehler to Red Bud – his truck, Jake Klein’s & Werner Kammlers, them, Elmer Parker, Adam Eckerts helping to move. Ruma Catholic church has pinic [sic] today. Wm Wiegand was here going to move down on his farm, thought he could run his cows passed here. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came from Buehlers here.
Friday, July 23, 1937
Buehler’s finished threshing, we got 107 bus. share. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, were helping Adam Eckerts threshing; dinner & lunch; threshed yesterday already. There are so many truck loads of Watermelons & muskmellons [sic] going by.
Friday, May 7, 1937
Went to Belleville, pap got his teeth again, ain’t much better so far. Another beautiful day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. We got 132 chicks, from 12 hens. Clarence Braun’s have baby girl born Wed. at Belleville hospital. Mrs. Adam Eckert sold her house in town here to Adam Eckert, transfer in paper. We have 2 ducks, 1 egg didn’t hatch & the another 1 is broken. Set 5 more.
Saturday, Feb. 20, 1937
Cloudy, raining a little. We went to church at Red Bud. Henry got crushing done & came here awhile. Levi Ganley came wants 25 bu. oats, Al. Geodelle was 25 also, to get them out at Henry’s. Frish wants 100 bu. he was here this afternoon, Wm. Doyle wants 40 bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped, came from L. Birkners all afternoon going home this eve; he isn’t just so, bad at present; Wm & Lena is there tonite & tomorrow nite Frank & Emma. Adam Eckert is still the same yet; has pretty bad cold. Eggs are still 20¢ here.
Sunday, Nov. 8, 1936
Much colder today, we went to mass. The Y.P.L. have a play & dance at Kammler’s hall tonite. Welcome Home Town Visitor, it was real pretty; players were Julius & Marjorie Rausch, Roland, Lyle & Veronica Rausch, Harold Wagner, Lee Howery, Als. Eckert.
Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1936
Ironed, & patched. Picked the last peaches. Mr. Louis Widemann, Roy Staufenbiels wifes father shot himself in a wagon in shed, was buried this afternoon at 3 o’clock, found him last nite, don’t know how long he was dead, thought about 14 hrs. Henry & Leona & pap went out to the funeral. Billy stayed with us. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve. we had watermelon. Adam Eckert came, got pickles that Aunt brought along for him & Freida. It is Chris Buehlers 22nd Wedding Ann. today. Ray Wittenauer is still unconsious [sic]. Lester said, he didn’t know his mother.
Monday, July 13, 1936
We washed, ironed. So hot, we patched in basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he dug his potatoes across the street; they stopped in again this evening went to Adam Eckerts threshing; had them for supper; our radio didn’t work.
Sunday, June 14, 1936
Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, awhile before mass. Mrs. Emma Eckert brought the veil back, had it borrowed for Emmie Solemn Coummioun [sic – Communion]. We went to Red Bud for 7:30 mass, but it is changed now to 6:30 & 8:30 masses, so we came to late, so stayed for high mass & benediction. The Evangical [sic] Church Ladies Aid got cold supper & pinic [sic] today, at church grounds. The Hecker Baseball Club has a dance at Kammler’s Hall musci [sic] by Schmidts. We went to pinic [sic] awhile. Pap went for supper, also Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary. Birkner’s Orch. played musci [sic]. Mrs. Milton Wagner won the free game of bluey, & also the quilt in lotto, & Mrs. Frieda Koreber won 1 quilt in bluey & 1 that was raffled out; sure luck. Edgar Wittenauer was stabbed with a knife last nite by Maniers, isn’t so bad; fellow from Athens; sheriff came out & took him to Waterloo Jail.
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