Bertille went to church this morning. Papa is spreading lime dust. Rosalia is on the sick list, too much beer last night I guess. There was a machine, the Karr Range Co., they had a victorola in it then those big horns on top of it. They played all kinds of pieces, “Just a Precious Little Thing Called Love.” “I Fall Down and Go Boom,” “Romana.” Bertille took 2 doz. eggs to the store & got .18¢ a doz. The leghorn spring are .17¢. White & Red Rocks are over 2 lbs. .21¢ and under 2 lbs. .18¢. Yesterday the Young People’s League of Hecker had their outing in Rittenmyer’s woods by their clubhouse. It rained awful by Peter Dehns today the way Mrs. Rennecker told Katie Klotz. It just sprinkled a little here. It didn’t amount to anything. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here a little while this evening, but it started to get cloudy so they went home. They wanted to go to Adam Eckerts yet from here, but I don’t think they did. It is Edmund Eckerts birthday. It rained pretty hard for awhile this evening, thundered & lightning, wind.
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