Thursday, April 13, 1939

Chas. Helfrich got load hay. We went to Leos awhile, then went to Kleins & by Riess to get 15 doz. eggs @ 16 [cents] white wyandottes. Quite a few people came by Kleins he looks natural; nice flowers they have. Bert [Bertille] got mass card by Fr. Aydt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came took Bert along to Kleins this eve; house was just crowded; people from all over came; there pay last respects.

Monday, April 10, 1939

Easter Mon. Went to Waterloo took 12 bus. wheat in @ 65 [cents]. Went to New Hanover to Kettler to get hatching eggs & he never got our card so he had not saved only got 5 doz.; went to Leo’s had dinner there & went & ordered eggs white wyandottes from Rese’s till Wed. Leroy Haudrich & Lorreta Scharf were married a week ago today in St. Louis; had to be married during lent living with his folks now at present, picture was in paper. Alb Cleveland was here wants to work up the wood in woods for 10 [cents] load.

Friday, April 7, 1939

Good Friday. 28 degrees; warmer again for today. Went to church 7 o clock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in. Pete Hoffmann of near Waterloo died at Querheim Parlor & Mrs. Glessener, Kroll’s sister, passed away to [sic]. Mr. & Mrs. Farbers were here looked at mare. Bert [Bertille] fixed doz. eggs & 9 for A. [Aunt] Mary’s. Went to Red Bud 3 o clock church. heard Fr. Ore Service on radio. Went to Waterloo to see Pete Hoffmann & Mrs. Glessner, they have 3 people laid out, being awful busy all week. Mr. Hill came collected telephone dues. Bert Thompson & family going to move on Weber Farm & Webers moving to New Athens.

Monday, April 3, 1939

Washed ironed patched. Pap cleaned barn, beautiful day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, they were by Louis Birkners to get eggs.

Friday, March 31, 1939

Went to Belleville got new lawn mower. 14 in 5 blade rubber tires $6.68; went to Leo’s helped saw wood had them for dinner. Jake & John Mueth Kettler [? – unclear] Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, making garden. Egg 15 [cents].

Tuesday, March 28, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Rained a little this eve. Radio says snow. Ziebold man was here trying to sell electric things. Nobbes man Johnson was here looked at horse; some fellows from Prairie Du Rocher looked at black team. We found 95 eggs. still 15 [cents] at Eichenseers. Cold to be 30 tonite.

Monday, March 27, 1939

Cold this morn. Pap took 17 bu. wheat to Waterloo 63 [cents]; went to Odd Fellows Hall electric show. Chas. Stookey & Nichobaun sisters of KMOX were there. Aunt Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to Raffte for permanents Bert got $2. & A. [Aunt] Marys wouldn’t take, color came back again; so she cut them up short. Eggs 15 [cents]. A hair dryer & electric clock was given away at Waterloo today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went Waterloo to show. Marie Kolmer won percolator & Mitchell Electric toaster & hair dryer as attendance prize, large crowd.

Tuesday, Feb. 28, 1939

Rained heavy & windy all nite, snow is nearly all away now. Ironed, patched, etc. Eggs today here 14 [cents].

Monday, Feb. 20, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came we butchered 130 lb. hog. J. [Josie] Keller & Mrs. Neimeier came had supper here, took sausage & 16 doz. eggs along. Melvin Wagner brought the receipt here for Firemen’s dues.

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1939

Valentines Day. Went to Red Bud mass for Pope. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came. Bert [Bertille] went along to New Athens to dentist Dr. Lauter, does pretty good work. Filled 2 teeth for me for $2.00; fixed some for Uncle [Fred] & Aunt [Mary] to $2.00; they went home, came back again this afternoon we went to Belleville, brought clover seed along $2.61 for cleaning 174 lbs. @ 1 1/2 [cents]. Leo & family came this eve. we played 2 games cards etc. Eggs 16 [cents] at one place 15 [cents].