We washed, ironed, went to election, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, going to butcher tomorrow here. Rose went quilting at Wagners & supper there. The fruit man was around. Eggs are 30¢ now. Burdgorf looked at the heifers, didn’t buy yet. Roosevelt & Horner are reelected; by big majority. There is a election return dance at Pautlers & Odd fellows Hall tonite free. Mrs. Vera Boo Republican circuit clerk was elected; against Schemeir Democrat candidate. The radio stations were on air all nite.
Friday, Oct. 23, 1936
Pap went out to get corn fodder. We ironed, patched. Mrs. Vera Boo canadiate [sic – candidate] was here left her card for a vote, Miss Mildred Gambach went around with her. We started fire in furnace, cold.
Thursday, October 1, 1936
Pap & Rose went out to Henrys’ got load oats; he went to see Dan Geodelle. The Staff man of Red Bud came, they went out in the woods this afternoon. Wm. Ganley & Jack was here paid Int. for the year. Sure beautiful day. Henry came & cut alalfa [sic] hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Presidents are to speak over the Radio tonite, Roosevelt & Landon at 8:30 & 9:30 from Chicago, Ill.
Tuesday, April 14, 1936
Cloudy this morning, but is nice again. Rose finished her dresses, & we cleaned front room, washed windows put on screens, cut lawn for the first time. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, planted out cabbage plants etc. Primary Election today, we didn’t go to vote. Pap & Henry hauled wood all day. A fellow from Belleville looked at the oats, but didn’t take any Boul was his name, Henry bought a pig from him for $9. Henry Hepp was here wanted to borrow lime dust spreader; going to get it tomorrow. Hy. Feurer was here wanted to know if Pabst rented the ground again, if not he take it. Arlene Klotz daughter of Gus Klotz was taken to Belleville Hospital this morning, & was operated on appendix at 11:30, she is sick since Sat. evening, had no bowels moving since; Uncle Fred got a letter from Baldwin saying they should get there gas engine what they bought at her sale, & they wasn’t even at the sale of Mrs. Muench on Mar. 21 last. They have ball games on radio every day.
Saturday, April 11, 1936
Wm. Wiegand was around electionery for school director against Milton Wagner, & Wiegand won. Hill expired, & gave it up. Kenneth Kemp was relected [sic] without opposition. Some real April showers today. We went to Belleville this afternoon got white shoes. Vic Papenberg was here last nite, wanted to know price of oats. Berneice Mehrmann has a baby boy, born at Fredrichs, she was married to a Smith a while back, & lived in St. Louis, where he’s from.
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1935
Election today, just 2 commissioners running, Vogt & Teonjes. Bertille’s 21 yr. birthday. We washed, hung it in basement. Chris Buehler stopped in, to tell papa about some hogs. Chas. Wagner came with some corn for his hogs here, Geo. Lorberg was going to get them this afternoon, & he did. Geo Boll was also along, they had taken stock to East St. Louis, then went to J. Friedrichs, had bought a heifer & brought a cow along for A. Eckert. Painted a few window frames this afternoon. A Wind Power Electric Agent was here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, called for Christ Kern’s to came here also, wanted to speak with them, so Mr & Mrs Kern & boy Leo came. We started fire in furnace for first time this year.
Thursday, April 4, 1935
Papa went out to Levi Ganley’s, & stopped at Henry’s; he came up & plowed the orchard, & potato ground; had dinner & lunch here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up again this afternoon, worked up here, Rose cut her striped dress & sew some this afternoon. We got 50 cabbage plants from Manier’s set them out this evening, surely are nice. Mr. Allan Mudd & his mother & Mrs. Phil Purtle of Red Bud stopped in & solcited [sic] for euchre prize, & selling chances on a hooked rug; we took one. Henry took load hay along home. Uncle Adam & Emil came awhile about 1 hr; paid for there oats 6½ bus. & 60¢..Mr. Herman Straub & wife of near Burksville, on Bozzoy place came & looked at the binder. The old officers of Road Dis. 3 were reelected; difference of 8 votes, Melching & Hoffmann, & Vogt & Wirth. John Heiken received it by 25 votes, in Reheis etc District through there.
Tuesday, April 2, 1935
Ironed, painted screens, etc. Henry & family came this evening, she tried her coat on at Staufenbiel’s again, it ain’t finished yet. Today is election of road commissioners, G. Lorberg won with 201 votes, Pabst 19, Roever 40 Wittenauer 52. for clerk Cowell elected with 149 & Kiefer 142 votes.
Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1934
Election Day. We washed & ironed. Mrs. Jackel of St. Louis, Ed & Hy. Meng sister died, will be buried this afternoon at Belleville. Mr. John Dehn died last night is now at Dashner’s Parlor at Red Bud; he was operated on last Fri. afternoon, died last night. Mrs. Rennecker’s brother. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brand left for Ala. this morning 7:30. Mr. & Mrs. Levi Gregson went out to Uncle Adam’s today, Emil was on the polls all day. Papa & Rosalia went up to vote. Henry & Leona came up this afternoon to vote. Report was Democrats won in Hecker.
Tuesday, April 17, 1934
Town Election. We cleaned house down stairs, all finished now, but the basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] awhile, went down to Red Bud with wheat. 70¢ bus. Pap & Rosi went up to vote. Lester Gregson won by 12 votes & tonite Clifford came & told us that Lester has 1/8 beer in all 3 saloons, everybody should come & help themselves. We didn’t. Ha! Ha! plenty beer; real day for Hecker! Henry came this evening, awhile. Three of our little chicks died. We ate our first lettuce yesterday. We planted 20 tomato plants from A. [Aunt] Mary.
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