Monday, April 16, 1934

We washed, ironed, patched, cooked kettle soap, finished now. A man was here wanted to buy old gold rings etc, we had none. Lester Gregson was here, electioneering, tomorrow is town election. Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s wanted to haul load wheat to Waterloo, but couldn’t get in the yard so came back again, then went over to New Athens got some cement & nail kegs empty ones, seen Ike Napier over there at the lumber yard where he is working. Nice day. Rose took 21 doz. eggs up. 13¢. Bertille wrote a letter to Kansas, joined in the cake & cookie contest to be over Apr. 30, sent recipes.

Saturday, April 14, 1934

We cooked kettle soap. Papa went out too Uncle Fred also to Waterloo on business. The baseball club is giving a dance in Waterloo barn tonight, All Buchon’s band. Mr. Marshall Hill of Smithon [sic] have a little baby girl born, at the hospital at 3 o’clock this morning. Papa had dinner out at Uncle Freds. Robert Laut was here, wanted pap to vote for him, school election today, he is running for director. Clarence Wittenauer came to see papa about ball grounds, wether [sic] it was rented or not. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, made garden up here. Ted Eichenseer came down electioneering, him & Lester Gregson are running for town clerk to be next Tues. Robert Laut 30 votes won for school director, Wm Weigand 10 votes was running against him. Thresher boss meeting at Belleville this afternoon. Planted potatoes, at the Irish road.

Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1931

We washed, ironed, patched, had beef soup for dinner. We went out to Henry’s got a load of wheat 13 bu. 25 lbs. 50¢ bu. took it too Waterloo, got our Whippet curtains fixed at Gentsch’s, for $2.50, then we drove out by St. Joe & got 7 roosters weighing 32½ lbs. at 15¢. the name is Valerias. We stopped at Henry’s & brought 2 qts. milk along home. Today was election of Co. Comissioners [sic], Kettler & Edler. Kettler was in Hecker, & Waterloo. Papa got a check from Hempe Bro. $30.00. Mrs. Stauenfbiel was here this afternoon but we weren’t at home, she called us up this eve.

Tuesday, April 21, 1931

We washed, ironed, patched today.  This morning the assessor Wm. Sensel was here, John Reagan came & wanted to know if it was all right for him to throw his chicken manure in our oats field but it was soft in there, so he throwed it in the stubble ground closed by.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here, Uncle Fred went down to Red Bud & she went to Wm. Birkners, & Louis Birkners, but nobody at home on either place.  They where here for lunch.  Joe Griffin was around electioneering, today is town election.  He & Elmer Kammler running for town mayor.  Papa went up & gave him his vote for Joe, & a citizen thicket [ticket].  It is cold again, we covered our tomato plants, because some said, we was gong to have a frost tonight, but we didn’t.

Saturday, Jan. 17, 1931

It is raining a little this morning.  Papa went up to see Fr. Grootens a little while & had a conversation with him.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morn. they stayed for dinner & then they went through Red Bud to Waterloo & then back here again, they were here for supper, after that we played a 4 handed pinochle game, 4 games were played each winning 2 games.  Fredie Fritsche was here and wanted to sell seeds for the school.  Today was election for telephone operator, Eliza Boll received it again.  Mrs. Deuker & Jake Neff had applied for it too.  Deukers had 2 votes, Neff 7 votes, Eliza 3 votes.  Today is George Boll’s birthday, Karl is sick ever since last Wednesday, he has awful high fever.

Saturday, Nov. 22, 1930

Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon to get his watch fixed.  Henry & Leona went to Belleville this afternoon & got the kids new shoes.  The kids stayed here.  The Democrat candidates gave a free dance & lunch in the Odd Fellow’s Hall tonight, Henry & Leona went there, it was so crowded in the basement & also on the second floor.  Hugo Radan furnished the latest music & Crooks Ramblers the old time music.  We were out at George Boll’s celebrating Karl’s 20 birthday.  Cake, Lemonade, Beer, wine, sandwiches were the refreshments served.  Papa bought 2 little pigs this afternoon from a man by Burksville.  He also brought a little kitten along too.

Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1930

Today is Election.  Papa went out in the woods this morning, him and Uncle Joe & Eddy Meuth cut a tree down with a bee hive in it.  Then they went up to Meuth’s again, they had a whole tub full.  So Papa called up & said Rosalia should come out & fix the honey out there so she went.  They said for half it would make about 3 or 4 gals.  Meuths are going to get half of it.  Henry is plowing here today.  Leona & the kids came up just before dinner, they were all here for dinner.  Papa had dinner out at Meuths today.  Henry and Papa went up to vote.  Bertille was at church this morning.  Rosalia was out at Meuth’s for supper.  They didn’t have enough jars to put the honey in so in the evening Papa & Bertille drove out there too & took a 2 gal. jar along.  It made about 12 gals. altogether, we got 5 1/2 gals.  John Wittenauer’s have a little girl since Sunday afternoon.

Tuesday, April 15, 1930

We washed today.  Leona, Robert, Floyd came up this morning to get the milk check.  Lena Meng stopped in here tonite and told Rosalia to come over tomorrow evening to try her dress on.  It is awful windy at present.  We found 31 eggs today.  Papa was up at Hecker at the election, it was town election.

Saturday, April 12, 1930

Today there is a school election in the districts of Monroe County.  Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary went to Red Bud and Waterloo this afternoon.  Bertille got a pair of shoes.  Found 25 eggs.