Boy! some weather, cold, freezing hard is to be 20° tonite, we covered things in the garden; started fire in furnace again & in brooder stove, getting chicxs [sic] Sat. Mr. Jake Erle stopped in. Salger from Horse Prairie came, looked at our cultivator & bought it for $35.00; will get it soon. Berti went to see Joe Griffin about our radio; he is coming down tomorrow; we sewed aprons, caps & Rose cut her print dress & sewed the skirt.
Tuesday, March 31, 1936
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he & papa went up to work in the woods again, had supper here. Aunt Mary & Rose went over to see Mrs. Staufenbiel, Aunt took goods over for her to make a dress. Levi & Jack Ganley got 2 loads hay; Mr. Jake Erle stopped in. A fellow here form Muryphsboro [sic] selling apples, Aunt Mary bought 1 pk. Sure cold this morning 28° above; ground froze hard last nite.
Sunday, Sept. 18, 1932
We went over to Aunt Mary’s for chicken dinner. Mr. Hill came in the afternoon awhile, & put on some lectures. We had cake. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie awhile, Mrs. Eichenseer’s sister Mrs. Erle & her daughter where also there, we had lunch there. This evening we drove out to Uncle Adam’s & Emil & visited them awhile. Today is Homecoming at Floraville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary talked about going. Mamie weighed us today Rosalia 173½ lb. Mamie 137 Miss Erle 137 & Bertille 131.
Tuesday, July 5, 1932
It rained last nite & looks like somor [sic- some more] today. We washed, ironed. Geo. Lorberg was through here selling pickles last Sat., at 50¢ bu. as they come, he has a acre planted & intend to sew ½ acre Sat. yet, him & Rapp’s & Mueths each have a acre, they have a contract with Gauen at Waterloo. Papa went to Red Bud to see Jac. Erle, about the cars insurance, he canceled all but liability & property damage. He sent the check of for the chev. for $10.06. Steve was over awhile, he ain’t going along with Schilling machine this year, Ham has his place, He got fired.
Tuesday, May 19, 1931
We are having a nice shower of rain this morning. Eggs are 13¢ now. Jac. Erle was here a little while this evening, he was up at Belleville all day. Papa went to town this evening to find some news, but he didn’t hear much. Bank is about all the news around Hecker these days.
Wednesday, April 8, 1931
Today is Aunt Lizzie’s Birthday. We painted the top on our Chev. today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon, from here Papa & Uncle Fred went out to see Wm. Harbaugh, then they went to Waterloo. Aunt Mary, Rosalia & Bertille went out & helped Henry plant his potatoes. This evening Fr. Grootens called for Papa & Uncle Fred to come there, so Papa went up to see him. Jac. Erle was here & left a card on the door, because nobody was at home.
Monday, April 6, 1931
Papa went to Waterloo to the Court House today to hear what the lawyers got to say about the stockholders of the Hecker Bank. Bertille went to church this morning. We washed the Whippet this afternoon. Jac. Erle was here this morning. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Philip Freund were all here this evening, then we all went to the Euchre & dance given by the Catholics. Adm. as enter 35¢. Papa had 6 points & got a shawl, & Rosalia 5 points & got a tie, Bertille only had 3. There were only 8 games played. The bed spread was won by Raphael Neff, & Bertha Weber, & Marie Rausch got a choice on quilt & lumber jacket. Eggs are 15¢ today.
Saturday, March 28, 1931
Papa went to Red Bud to see Joc. Erle & then he went to Waterloo. Eddy Jackel is getting buried this afternoon over in St. Louis. Meng’s family went over.
Wednesday, August 6, 1930
Today is a sale down by Lenzburg and Marissa. George Wagner is tearing his shed down and is going to build up a garage for his machine. John Kammler and Reuben are doing the work. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s all day. They took 2 chickens along for dinner. Bertille stayed home & ironed & patched. It was pretty hot today. Dr. Eckert’s father died from old age & heat. Mr. Rennecker came over on the porch with us a little while. Jacob Erle & John Wittenaur’s machine got smashed tonight. Wittenauer’s car was standing by Eichenseer’s when Jac. Erle came along and stopped to, he bumped into and knocked it against the tree over on the sidewalk & then back in the alley. Erle had a scratch on the chin. His car was pulled to Red Bud on a wrecking car. Wittenaur’s is standing in Eichenseer’s back yard.
Wednesday, March 26, 1930
Mr. Jac. Erle was here this afternoon. We got 300 little chicks this morning but the weather is awful cold for the little chickens. Henry came up this evening to the store, he came down here a little while. We found 29 eggs.
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