Today is John Limbach’s sale. Papa went out to Henry’s and got a load of wheat, then he went to Waterloo to the mill & then went out to John Limbach’s sale. We get our daily paper in the evening from now on with the buss. Instead of morning mail carrier. Papa never bought nothing at the sale, everything high priced. Albert Rittemyer was here this afternoon trying to sell brushes of all kinds. But we didn’t buy any. Margaret McDermott call up & told us that our cousin Mary May, Martin May’s oldest daughter died & will be buried tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock at the Tipton church. She was to get operated on appendicitis and tonsils, they gave her ether & she never came too anymore. They say she had a sweetheart Joe McArthy. She is 18 years old. Wheat is .78¢ this morning.
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