Cleaned house, planted out flowers & papered pots. Sure beautiful day, windy but nice and warmer. The Evangicals [sic] have euchre at Kammlers tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, & they & Rose & Berti went to the euchre. Berti got cook pot. 9 points the rest got nothing. Edwin Watchel got attendance prize blanket; quilt by lotto was won by Freida Koerber again that is the 3rd one she got at Hecker, now, blanket by Mrs. Pickett, & table cloth, Josie Kaiser; not much of a crowd & not many prizes either.
Sunday, Aug. 9, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lunch here, went home came back again this afternoon went to the pinic [sic], Evangical [sic] church; pinic [sic] Floraville Band in afternoon & Schmidt at nite. We had a watermelon eating this evening then all went to the pinic [sic], had large crowd. Mr. Fred Kern of Waterloo had accident in Hecker at Mertz store, car coming from the south, both were damaged a little, but nobody hurt. There is a free birthday dance at Pautler & wedding dance at Dreamland.
Sunday, April 5, 1936
Raining this morn, thunder & lighten. Palm Sun. Levi Ganley came & paid for his two loads hay $18.00. We spayed our baby chixs, 2 died. In the Evangicle [sic] churches the children are being examined this morn. next Sun. confirmation. Mr. Al. May & daughter Margaret of Burksville, stopped in a while. Mr. Joe Freund & Clifford Stalheber came at 9’oclock this evening, to look at the mare & colt he was down at Brauns, also looking for one; pretty late, he wants pap to look at his cow, he wants to trade in for the mare, thought the colt was nice.
Sunday, Dec. 29, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Snowed all night; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile, finished the ice cream, that we made last night, but was to much, couldn’t eat it all yesterday, enough left for each a dish this morning. Steve Rennecker got 1 qt. milk wanted to make pumpkin pie today he said. We all went out to Uncle Freds had dinner & supper. Rob Knabe was out at Oscar’s from there he came here, so papa & Uncle Fred went home; papa sold the cow & calf to him for $65.00 to get it after the 1st. Fr. Aydt wasn’t at all satisfied this morning with the Christmas Collections, not enough; A Christmas party was held at the home of Henry Meyer at Belleville & there it was announced the engagement of Miss Dorthy Meyer to Odello Eichenseer of Here to be wed in the near future; she is employed at Endres Motor Sales Co. Mr. Karl Kammler 26 of Belleville & Mamie Roth 20 Mascoutah license were published, were married Christmas Day; at the Evangical [sic] Church in Mascoutah, the attendants being Alf. Kammler a brother & Anita Funk a cousin of the bride; the bride wore brown crepe dress & assessories [sic] to match, bridesmaids wore blue. going to make there home with the groom parents Mr. & Mrs. John Kammler of 712 Forest Ave; they also had the wedding supper there to which intimate friends & relatives were present. Mr. Fred Rothaug 38 – Miss Ida Bechtoldt 42 of Belleville, were married, she is Mrs. Geodelle’s cousin.
Wednesday, Dec. 25, 1935
Christmas Day. Went to 5 o clock mass at Red Bud. Uncle & Aunt called in then went home after church. We went out to Henry’s had dinner, Geodell’s were out to; Boys got all kind of things from Santa, wagon, coloring sets, lotto game, pocket knife, fountain pens from Grandma at Waterloo. Boy! did it get gold, snowing terrible this morning at 4 o clock it was warm at 6 & after it started in freezing & zero all day. The Evangical [sic] children have there Christmas program at the church tonite. In Red Bud they have a big lighted tree on Public Sq; drive around it.
Monday, Sept. 30, 1935
We washed, ironed, patched. The Ladies Aid of the Evangical [sic] Church is giving a euchre party at Kammler’s Hall tonite. Werner Kammler is hauling coal in for Geo. Wagner. Al. Eckert had a accident in Belleville Fri. night, fender, & wheel smashed, to the corner to fast & upset on curbing, has the car fixed now. Milton Wagner’s called there little boy Darwin & Geo. Lorbergs called there girl Romona. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo, took papa watch in again & left it there for awhile now; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to the euchre, Uncle had 11 & got sauce pan, & Bert had 10 got little rug; not much of a crowd, & no prizes, 7 euchre tables.
Sunday, June 2, 1935
Went to Red Bud in Uncle Fred’s car; raining all morning.We went to the Evangicals [sic] summer & pinic [sic] about 6 o’clock, had supper at home. Wasn’t much of a crowd. Birkner Orc. played musci [sic]; the quilts were won by Mr. Probst, Lena Birkner & some relative of Pabpenbergs, the first was raffled off & the other 2 by playing lotto. Harry Kammler gave a dance in the evening, spoiled the pinic [sic]. Moonlighters played. Ruth Hoffman 17 yr. old.
Sunday, April 14, 1935
Today it is a little warmer, Palm Sun. The Evangical [sic] churches have confirmation today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morning, went home & came back this afternoon, for services, had supper here. A guy from Foster Pond was here & bought our drill for $10.00 cash. Dominic & Alois Roth was here, looked at our horses & colt. We went up to Reifsceinder’s farm by Belleville looked at his hiefers [sic], has 2 nice ones there, then we went in there to see him & bought the 2 delivered for $28.00. When we came home Henry & family came they had been here, went out to Aunt Mary’s awhile, & came back here again.
Sunday, April 7, 1935
Went to church, raining all morning, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, dinner beef soup, supper. Him & papa went down to see Chas. Helfrich, made a trade with him, load hay & ½ bus. clover seed for his mare, $17.50, brought the mare along. Roy Staufenbiel came looked at the colt. Aunt Mary went to church given Indulgences, Jubliee [sic]. In the Evangical [sic] churches, the children get examined today & next Sun. confirmed. Colder this evening.
Thursday, Feb. 28, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she had dinner & supper here; Rose & Aunt Mary went to Fire Co. quilting in the city hall, this afternoon. Mr. Khong, straw baler man, was here. We went to the Evangical [sic] euchre tonite, Kammlers Hall, didn’t win a prize, had 6 points; the quilt & pillow cases & towel were given away by playing 3 games lotto for 10¢. Alscas Eckert won 1st quilt, Mrs. Ed. Koerber 2nd, slips. Valmeyer lady 3rd; towel. Miss. Irene Kayson won attendance prize, writing paper; big crowd.
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