Friday, Oct. 20, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over then went home, they stayed in town over nite. Papa & Rosalia gathered up those barrels sitting along the streets. We got a battery for the chev, $4.95 with the old one, got it from Ed. Neff. We paper flower pots; did cleaning. In the Waterloo Paper, it gives all the names of farmers & how much wheat acreages they can sew this year; Harold Hellmer & Clara Treasa [sic? – Teresa] Bertram where married at St. Peter & Pauls Church Wed, at 8 o clock; the attendants where Learord [sic? – Leonard] Bertram & Lucine Hellmer, brother & sister of the bride & groom & the wedding also of Lydia Osterhage & Otto Susewind, last Sat. at the Evangocial [sic] church, the attendants where, Lavina Susewind, & Awred, & Clarence, & Adel Osterhage brothers & sisters of bride & groom; going to live with Mrs. Susewind. Hellmers are going to live on Flower St. Waterloo. Miss Mathilda Schilling & Mrs. Slyvester Miller gave Miss Bertram a miscellanous shower, last Tues. evening, prizes where awarded to Eugenia Hellmer, Mouras [?] Schilling & Miss Bertram playing bunco.

Sunday, June 25, 1933

Jonny Roscow rode along to Red Bud with us. Rosalia & Bertille & Mamie went to the ball game this afternoon in Hecker, this time they lost for the first time so far, playing with Belleville, 2 to 7 & little team played Evansville small team & got white washed 5 to 0. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up from here. They went to the birthday of Mrs. Mike Armstutz; they also had an invitation to Rapps fish fry Ivone’s birthday. The Singerfest of St. Louis had there pinic [sic] at Millstadt today. Miss Hilda Wilhelm & Len Gartz where married at Red Bud at 4 o clock, in the Evangical [sic] church there. Marianna Fritsche was to be flower girl but she wouldn’t do it after they got there; the dance is 4 miles from Darmstadt in Smith Hall.

Sunday, June 11, 1933

Today is band concert in Smithon [sic], & the News Democrat Corres. was to have there pinic [sic] at Daab’s ClubHouse but was given up now on account of the concert. there is pinic [sic] & cold supper here, given by the Evangical [sic] church; we went down awhile, watch the ball game between Red Bud & Hecker, the latter won 5 to 3; there wasn’t much doing at the pinic [sic] in the afternoon, everybody was at Smithon [sic]; at the band concert; the Koehler’s Orch. furnished music for the pinic [sic], Casper Koehler, Rahn, Cowell, Auelibou, are in the band. Uncle Fred won the quilt that was raffled, & a dandy. Bertille got pair pillow cases at playing bluey. Ed Schilling was published for 3 times & wedding will be Wed. morn. 8 o’clock at Red Bud dance at Oak Grove in the evening. Mamine Mueth & Bess Hillmer where published 1st time in Waterloo.

Friday, May 12, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went in to Belleville twice this morning with hogs, took 4 to Streck Bros. 1,025 lbs. & $4.10 brought a cotton mattress along for Henry for $2.25. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over to help load the hogs up, was here for lunch; we baked bread, cookie, cake. Papa bought himself a straw hat for 25¢ this afternoon from Eichenseer; we got free today a toilet bowl idolizer, to remove all odors. It is in the paper that Louis Petrie Sr. died last Mon, had a stroke was buried yesterday afternoon. Vivian Geodelle daughter of Al Geodelle & Mr. George Stumpf of Belleville where married quitely last Sat. May 6. at the Evangical [sic] Church; the attendants where Miss Estel Geodell a cousin & Kermit a brother to the bride. Waterloo had a many visitors last Sun. just like homecoming to hear the band concert, 8 bands where present. Rosalia finished our dresses today. Papa went over by Wagners a little while. George told him that the ball team was going to give a dance in Kammler’s Hall last wed. nite but the hall was rented to Herzog & he had his dances so they will give one there next Wed nite; musci [sic] to be furnished by Rheinhardt & Skaers bros; we didn’t no a thing about a dance last wed. nite;  rain every day this week, it is awful. Co. from Freeburg looked at mule.

Friday, May 5, 1933

Report came over the phones this morning that Hershel Blackburn was dead, he was lying beside the plow yesterday, kicked by a mule, this morn. is dead. Papa went up town. Mr. John Whiteside had a run away with horses & wagon, & he was drug along under the wagon, his skull is split, & in a poor condition. We went to Belleville this afternoon, Rosalia got a spring coat for $1.95  6¢ sale tax; at Quality Store. We received a card from Creses, saying that she is spending a few day at home, we should come & see her, she is going to Chas. Sensel’s barn dance May 6. It is the paper the marriage of George Whitkamp 33 & Hilda Fritz 22 where married last Sun; afternoon Apr. 30 in the Evangical [sic] church, Mrs. Joe Geodelle & Gus Fritz the attendants.

Wednesday, March 15, 1933

It froze ice last night. We washed, ironed. Papa sewed clover seed. The Ladies Aid of the Evangical [sic] Church put up two quilts in there church & are having quilting. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for church this evening, brought sack turnips along. We went to Red Bud to lent devotions. Fr. Feldman had the stations, he is in an awful condition. We fed out little chicks raw potatoes & Alfalfa.

Thursday, March 9, 1933

Papa went to Red Bud to get butter milk for our chicks. Ike Napier & Karl Boll came & got the hog this morn, it weighed 309 lbs. at 4.50¢ lb. Steve Rennecker came over this afternoon, the ladies of the Evangical [sic] church have meeting George Kammler’s. Mr. Philip Ruhl 79 years of age died & will be buried this afternoon at New Athens.

Sunday, Dec. 25, 1932

Henry went along to Red Bud church, Leona stayed here with the kids & got breakfast ready. We went out there for dinner chicken stuffed; played cards in the afternoon. It is so nice warm today. Clarence Wagner came down this evening. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Eichenseer’s, Mamie showed us her Christmas tree, with electric lights on, then we went down to the program in the Evangical [sic] Church, it was right nice, they had songs, diagloues [sic – dialogues], speeches, the church was packed, some had to stand in the back.

Thursday, Dec. 22, 1932

Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s got a tree, & fixed it up this morn. Papa went to Hecker this afternoon & bought peanuts, candy & oranges, & paid the Whip. Ins. $5.80. We popped corn & strung it for the tree. Bertille went & mailed a few cards at the post office this evening, & brought some along back, from Josie Keller for us & Uncle Fred, & Mrs. Creses Freund from St. Louis, she is working at 13 Danford Il [? – unclear]. There is service at the Hecker church we didn’t go. They put the tree-up & decorated it at the Evangical [sic] Church, the have electric lights & also at the school house, the play is tomorrow night.

Sunday, Aug. 21, 1932

We where at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & papa went out to Louis Armstutz’s quarry & got 85 little fish & put them in our pond; all catfish except one sun fish. Henry & family where here for dinner, then we went to the Evangical [sic] pinic [sic] in Manier’s park, ate supper there, 40¢; they had a nice day & crowd pretty fair. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Matthews of Waterloo, have a little baby girl since yesterday 10½ lbs; she is by Geodelle’s at home.