Rained this morn; stops threshing, for those that ain’t finished yet; still quite a few machines that ain’t done yet. Chris Buehler has sale this afternoon, Starr Auction, just called over lines, all around, had no poster printed, don’t come as high, just to call on lines, Red Bud, Waterlo & all over. Evansville has Catholic Church pinic [sic] today. We went to Buehlers sale, this afternoon pretty nice crowd. Leo & Rose came eve.
Thursday, Aug. 5, 1937
Filed Under: 1937, August, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: auction, Brand, Buehler, Catholic_Church_Picnic, church_picnic, Evansville, Evansville_picnic, Leo, Orlet, Red_Bud, Rosalia, sale, Starr_Auction, Starr_Auctioneer, threshing, threshing_season, Waterloo
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