Worked garden, cut lawn etc. Harry Wittenauer is plowing, getting ready to plant corn here. Pap went to Waterloo with 19 bu. wheat @ 67 [cents] top price 75 [cents] Eggs 16 [cents]. Pap went to H. Wittenauer’s got 3 pigs $14.00. School pinic [sic] at Blackburn’s today, last day school this year. A lady here selling garments. Seen in Waterloo paper that Geo. Haudrich bought the farm right west of town from Mathilda Lippert & husband of Belleville; Armin Geodelle is now living there. Mr. & Mrs. Jermome AuBuchon of Muryphsboro [sic – Murphysboro] have a baby boy, paper reads; Red Bud.
Saturday, Jan. 16, 1937
The John Kaltwasser farm was sold this morn. at the quarry, brought $10,000, some price for farms these days; Nic Cortner bought it, 160 acres, with the quarry & all. Telephone meeting this afternoon. Eliza Boll got reelected operator, John Braun was against her. Leo & Isadore were here this evening, he had got a card from Sanitary Milk Producers, that there was to be a meeting held at Paulter’s the same nite as the wedding dance, so they went to Eliza Boll’s & called in to Paulter but there is no milk meeting there that nite, he said.
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