Bert baked pie. Pap went to Waterloo got feed. Suppose to get cold tonite, to be zero. Pap splitting wood. Bill [Klein] came, we went to Waterloo to Pautler’s to wedding dance, Gummersheimer’s, old couple; nice crowd; good musci [sic].
Monday, March 21, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home this morning, then came back again, he burnt all the rubbish over there & she helped fixed Bertille’s dresses. They had dinner with us. This afternoon about 3 o clock it got right black & blue, windy, it was terrible for awhile, everything blew around, hay stack fell over, buckets, blew a window out of Horn’s house, just nearly like a storm, it didn’t last so very long, but rained, hailed a little, got colder towards evening. In Chicago they had snow storm & thunder & lightening the paper says. Papa went to Waterloo this morning there all day. Vic Eichenseer was here & delivered some feed this morning. Mrs. Eichenseer had to go into Waterloo this afternoon, it is court week. Mr. Hill went along in.
Monday, Jan. 4, 1932
We are invited out to Rodenbergs it his birthday but didn’t get there on account of this weather, it rained a little. Eichenseer’s brought feed down for us this afternoon.
Thursday, Nov. 13, 1930
Papa went up in the woods this morning & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to help Leona fry down beef. She took 4 gal. lard along. Tonight is Bluey (?) in the church Hall & 100 turkeys & geese given away as prizes. We were there. Rosalia got a turkey tom. Lester Gregson & Mr. Williams the feed man from E. St. Louis, was here this afternoon, we ordered a sack of feed. Lester is going to bring it tomorrow night.
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