Went to Red Bud church. Emil spend an hr. with us this morn., wanted some seed oats; Nice warm day. The young people of Red Bud parish, are giving a 3 act play, name is “Everybody’s Crazy;” we all went to see it, & Boy! was it good, crowded hall, some had to leave, it was filled, having it again tomorrow night, because couldn’t all get in, players were, Ed & Leona Vogt, Melba Siebold, Gladys & Al Siefert, Harvey, Bob Cowell, Pearl Roscow, Viola Pertle, Linus Mertz, Tiny AuBuchon, Catherine May, Orvil Schmidt, Jim Tobin, Mrs. Bill Haudrich; tap dancing & singing, musci [sic] by AuBuchon Band & Kettler. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to the euchre, given at Kammlers by Fire Co. also had nice crowd, dance after, musci [sic] by Birkner Orch.; Adm. 15¢. Jhon [sic] Cody had opening & birthday dance, at his place, Oak Grove. Margaret McDermott is in Red Bud hospital was operated fro tumor last Tues, was getting along nicely, but isn’t very good at present; Raymod [sic] Matzenbacher, was operated for appendix Sat. afternoon also at Red Bud hospital; that is Pete Matzenbacher’s boy.
Sunday, March 3, 1935
Filed Under: 1935, March Tagged With: actors, appendicitis, AuBuchon, AuBuchon_Band, Aunt Mary, Birkner_Orchestra, birthday_dance, Brand, church, Cody, Cowell, dance, Emil, Euchre, fire_compan, Haudrich, illness, Kammler, Kettler, Matzenbacher, May, McDermott, Mertz, Oak_Grove, Pertle, play, Red_Bud, Red_Bud_Hospital, Roscow, Schmidt, Siebold, Siefert, Tobin, Uncle Fred, Vogt
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