Pap went out & helped Henry bring his mares up; brought 1 along to leave here, so he could plow a few patches. Pap went to Dr. A. Wagner’s sale this afternoon, selling all things. Congratulations was heard on the radio, german band for Arthur Mehrmann by sisters & brothers of Floraville, & for Mary Wagner of Belleville by Bernice, Charles & Melvin Wagner of Hecker. Sam Mosio has a free dance & fish fry, tonite music by Webers Bros. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, he is hauling rock again & she stayed here. Mamie Eichenseer came down awhile. Manier has fish fry.
Saturday, Jan. 25, 1936
Pap got crushing done; Henry & boy’s came up to. Pap, Steve Rennecker, Rob. Laut went to Pete Dehn’s sale, everything was high price, they said; Burdgorf was here looked at the cattle. Steve got 5¢ milk tonite. Joe Manier’s got fish fry tonite. Henry was saying, John Kern is in jail, scraping with Mosio; took our quilt out of the frame today. Rose & Berti name went over the radio today, but they didn’t say requested for Aunt Mary’s birthday, Jimmie & Dick played. Mexican Trail; The German Band, played one for a lady at Evansville this afternoon; Sure got good program tonite from Dismoinies [sic – Des Moines] Iowa; lot of good riddles & jokes.
Sunday, Aug. 25, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, we went along with them to Columbia to the Homecoming, had a wonderful time seen the parade, was interntained [sic] by Jimmie & Dick Radio stars, boy! they were good; danced free in afternoon. came home, ate supper, then went to Totch’s at Paderborn. Boy! what a time fish & chicken fry; free dancing day & nite Schoenborn & Schaefer playing ; & large crowd; Hillsheim & Gus Frish were there advertising, the church pinic [sic] for Wed. Goe Griffin & Tillie Hafley were published 1st time.
Thursday, Nov. 15, 1934
We took our turnips in. Bernice Wagner got ½ doz. eggs. Papa hauled 2 loads wood. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie Keller gave us a short call, then they all left for St. Louis; 500 3 Christy Ave. she took eggs along, she also went down & gave Lizzie Boll a call. The St. Patricks church of Tiptown is giving a fish fry & shooting match tonight at Oak Grove; we went , but didn’t win any; had a dance also, Adm 25. AuBchons [sic] Orc. played. We stoped [sic] at Henry’s.
Monday, Sept. 17, 1934
We washed, ironed. Henry, Leona & Billy were up had dinner, Papa & Henry went down to School House got there corn & hog checks, Henry got a $90. check, & papa $43. & $2.40 from Ed. Pabst contract, but it is not all straightened out yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, she & Berti went to see Mrs. Staufenbiel. Papa & Rosi went to Red Bud, wanted to get oil changed but it is all o.k. also wanted for all paper, but couldn’t get none; brought some home made liver sausage along all had supper here. Gus Klotz brought lime dust spreader home here again. Manier’s had a fish fry & dance Sat. night, selling fill all day yesterday 15¢; didn’t have much of a crowd. Mr. George Schilling & Ben left last Tues. for Indiana to see the sisters come back last night, Sister Brunslava, one that used to be a sister in the Hecker Schools, several years ago send a pin with them Lizzie Boll; she surely was happy about it.
Saturday, July 21, 1934
Papa went along with G. Wagner to Homringhausen sale this afternoon, household good was sold, at a fair price. Those people are going back to Germany again & shipping a new Chev, along, that they just purchased, awhile back. Rudolph Eichelmann’s boy bough Uncle Fred’s Ford coupe; from Nobbe, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, went to the fish fry & dance; musci [sic] by Keohler’s Orch. at Maniers, not enough fish they say, not many in the hall; dancing. We went to Donahue’s, Moonlighters musci [sic], & big crowd; & good time. 22 bus oats Pabst.
Sunday, Aug. 14, 1932
We went to Red Bud. We had chicken dinner by Uncle Fred’s today. Ronenbergs brought them one. Today is fish fry & dance at the Rod & Gun Club. Uncle Adam & Emil came up to see Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, then, Joe & Josie Gregson came but they wanted to come & see us, but being we where over there, they stayed there to, we all had supper. This evening we ate Watermellon [sic]. Seen in the paper that Ed Birke has a baby boy, they have 2 a girl & boy, & also Slyvester [sic – Sylvester] Doyle have a boy, first born. Elmer Kammler’s called there Donald Robert. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laut sponsors.
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