Went to Leo’s all day helped strip molasses cone. he hauled one load, in over to Keim’s at Floraville; Bert [Bertille] made pumpkin pie; had lunch, dinner & lunch; nice cool, days. Went to Smithton tonite to meeting held by Rev. Fr. Kunkel & Rev. Hosto, at Turner Hall to keep America out of war, what we must do, write a letter or send telegram to U.S. Senator Scott & Lucas & Congressmen Edwin Schaefer. that would help.
Sunday, Sept. 17, 1939
Went to mass. Leo & family came this afternoon him & pap went down by Feruers. Bill [Klein] came fixed Whip. put in new axle, had supper here. Went to Floraville Home Coming. Sure had crowd, sold out on chickens & almost everything had dance in hall in eve. musci [sic] by Ebels Merry Markers & German Band.
Sunday, July 16, 1939
Went to mass. Raining all morning. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Ellis Grove & to Gross Peach Orchard got some peaches, they are related to Bill; we also went to Fort Gage. Ed Brand & wife & Joe Gregson came a little while to say Hello; they were all at Emils today; going to leave for Ab. [Alabama] tomorrow evening, going to Levi again this eve. tomorrow to Heyls Bus. then to Waterloo & home again, drove from Alba. [Alabama] to Waterloo in day 680 mi. trip. Susie Gal of Hills is playing at Floraville tonite.
Friday, July 14, 1939
Awful hot. Pap dug 2 rows potatoes. H. Wittenauer was here, going to thresh here tomorrow. Transfer in paper of Barney Kaiser to Joe Kaiser. We received the books for pinic [sic] at Red Bud from Fr. Spors. Henry Grossman 62 & Clara Keim 18 of Floraville were married last Sun. in St. Louis, dance in eve. at Keimes. Lightening last Sat. nite; stroke several places at Waterloo Hermans. Country Club; Johanning had 3 cows killed. Bill Weitkamp & Vivian Ripley beauty operator of Waterloo were married last Sat. in St. Louis. Some W.P.A. workers are back on job & others of [sic – off] for good; they had dynamite laid for quarry here by Hecker if they started in working, they would blow things up, so they didn’t work. We went to Leo’s awhile this eve; threshing at M. Mueth.
Monday, July 10, 1939
Washed, ironed & patched. Pap went to Red Bud to get lumber for wheat bin. Bill [Klein] came told us that Louis Schoenborn & Isd. Watchel had accident last nite at around 12:30 Isd. driving his Louis V8 – run in ditch & turned it over, & Isd. going through top & was killed & Louis has only few scratches, car is wrecked, happened on oil road between Floraville & Paderborn. Isd. is at Millsdadt [sic] Funeral Home 23 yrs. old. Hy Armstutz was here wanted potatoes, we didn’t have none dug now. Mauff kroger man was here, didn’t need nothing. Some are threshing today, anyway south of here Klotz’s threshing today. Leo & family were down. Emil came over a little while.
Sunday, June 25, 1939
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Pap went over to Emil’s awhile this afternoon, he is invited to Lesters for ice cream. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s, they are cutting oats today. Sure lot of people working. Krehers & Watchels combining, some working corn; Renneckers lawning. Mrs Bruns working garden. Isn’t seem like Sun. Floraville have fish fry pinic [sic] & dance benefit of there church there. Henry came this eve. going to combine tomorrow, has been started since Sat. afternoon, & also today he said.
Wednesday, April 12, 1939
Cold froze hard. 26 degrees guess peaches are done; suppose to be freezing tonite again. Bill [Klein] & sister came, found his dad Dominic Klein dead at 3 o clock in bed; he was 63 yrs old; is at Waterloo till tomorrow morn. Bill said; funeral would be Sat. morning. Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room wall paper; got pictures today all pretty good. Chas. Helfrich came looked at hay. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were by Frank Birkner’s today. The Floraville choir have a play tonite – “District School.”
Thursday, Jan. 19, 1939
Cold this morn. 15 [degrees] above. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped here awhile, went out to see Grossheims. Henry brought a cow hide up. butchered one today. Osie Neff was the butcher; he also brought a bone along for soup. Susie sang song for a whole bunch from Floraville & requested by a friend of Hecker. A lot of people that have been vaccinated recently have sore arms. Josie wrote A. [Aunt] Mary a birthday greeting, said she was coming out Sat.
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 1939
Papa went out to Henry’s farming clover seed. Cloudy this afternoon, turned chickens out today & eggs today are 15 [cents] sure dropped within the last week, because of warm weather. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville to card party given by Church members, & what a crowd, never seen nothing like it before all tables filled & all bingo players, we played bingo, got nothing.
Thursday, Sept. 29, 1938
Bert [Bertille] cleaned dining room, varnished floor & chairs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Henry & family came to get seed wheat this eve. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn to nite – euchre, had to go to Floraville & back to Paderborn oiling the road again now. Bert [Bertille] had 10 out of 12 got alumnium [sic] cook pot; dance after euchre, musci [sic] by Hy. Kettler; nice crowd.
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