Pap went out to see Mason. We baked pie & cookies, cut lawn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening; Chris Buehlers was by them last nite, got some cucumbers, she brought some along here to. Some of the men from here aren’t working these days at the Foundry at Belleville. We had a couple of nice showers this afternoon, sure nice. It has been so hot.
Friday, Feb. 28, 1936
Papa went working in the woods all day. S. Rennecker got milk. Ed Pabst came to see pap, he can’t rent the ground this year. Loyd is working at the foundry at Belleville now. Kalbfleisch of Millsdadt looked at the mare. Leo Kohler of Waterloo bought the Dalkert residence on South Church St. & Mrs. Aug. Wagner bought Ralph Collins place.
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1936
Cleaned chicken house. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here all day, had dinner, he took wheat to Waterloo got 98¢. Pap & him went to see Armbruster’s at Paderborn, to buy hogs, there’s were all sold; so then they went to Red Bud to Burdgorfs bought 2 ours 205 lbs. @ 10¢; brought them along. Klein’s bros. came bought sow & pigs $60.00. Pap & Uncle went out to Henry’s sharpened butcher knifes & get things, tools. Alois Havey came, pap paid him, $6.00 for repair chimney, guttering, spouts. The foundry man at Belleville ain’t working yet. Loyd Pabst & Al Voges brought load corn yesterday. Lester Bruns have a baby girl born last Thurs. Jan 9. Mrs Pour is maid. We went to Red Bud Mon. nite to see the purina show, Hidden Harvest, sure good, about 500 people attended at City Hall Mr. Luhr, Zizfel, managers. 3 attendance prizes were given, pap won 1st. 25 baby chicks any kind, H. Hess 2nd 25 lbs. startina, 3rd Rusel Lee feeder chick.
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