Thursday, Oct. 24, 1935

Papa went in the woods this morning. Henry brought a load corn; nice day, warm; Wheat sign up meeting at Kammlers Hall this morning; to fill application blanks. Armin Geodelle has a new ford card. V-8. Mr. Wolf real estate agent of Freeburg was here to see papa. We all went up in woods this afternoon, made wood. Hilda Klube is at Reheis’s since last Thurs; they are putting a new floor in part of house; Geo. Reheis is helping; Walter, Hilda & Annie, were up through town this afternoon; they are to be married on Oct. 30, Annie Birthday.

Thursday, Oct. 3, 1935

We dug our sweet potatoes, 5 bus.; pretty nice. Mr. Davis of Belleville was out, looking up old junk, went to Uncle’s Fred’s to look at a buggy. Mr. Emil Bestmann & Florence Trentman of Freeburg are being married this afternoon at Waterloo by Rev. Kochkeim, the attendants being Walter Reheis & Hilda Khebe. The catholic parish have a euchre, lotto & pinochle party tonite, also attendance prize in the school hall. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, & we went along. Rose was lucky, she got attendance prize a pillow, & first prize in games had 12 points, got pillow cases. Aunt Mary had 8, got safety razor outfit; large crowd; but not so many prizes. Rose & Bert took 14 bus. wheat to Red Bud got 86¢, prices is $1.00 got flour & that is $4.20, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, he took load down too, got $1. for his. Milly Brown, Stuart Product agent.

Friday, Sept. 13, 1935

Mrs. Rennecker brought flower slips over. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s again to make hay; had lunches & dinner. A real estate agent Mr. Wolf of Freeburg was here, left his card. Mr. Stephen Freund & Richard Crow left for Worthington Ohio for school last week, Freund for his last year & there to be ordained, & Crowe first year Josephium College. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came got coffee.

Thursday, Sept. 5, 1935

Aaron Papenberg’s 22 yr. birthday today. Leona brought Henry up & he couldn’t get the tractor started all morning, so he got Hugo Probst to fix it for him, started right away then. Papa is hauling coal 2 loads for basement & 1 nut coal for brooder stove .05¢; this morning; finished hauled 182 bus. including 12 bus. nut coal @ 5¢ the others 8½ & tax all $15.53 from the East Side coal mine at Freeburg. Henry finished plowing, took the tractor along home; had lunch, dinner. Papa hauled 2 loads wood from Pabsts – 60¢ paid for sawing. Mr. Ed Meng got a light stroke yesterday morning seated in a rocking chair, had the doctor, was better again now. Sterling circus in Waterloo this afternoon & evening porformances [sic] Adm. 25¢; We went in this evening, & crowd just picked reserved seats 10¢ extra, chairs & Boy it sure was good; flying trapeze, elephants & horse dance etc, big band, 3 different side shows at 10¢ Adm; littlest mother & baby. Wild west, 500 lbs. boy, a girl with thousand eyes & so much; a girl lyed [sic] down & elephant walked over her, Monkey, dogs & baby elephant etc.

Saturday, Aug. 17, 1935

Papa went out to Henry’s. Clarence Wittenauer’s milk truck struck Henry’s colt & knocked it in the air, is awful bad, has a big hole in shoulder; Wittenauer has insurance, & he got the veterain [sic – veterinarian] out; & bandaged it up a little. Pretty serious they say. Henry, Dick, Grover, Emil, all up making hay had dinner, 2 loads here & took 1 load home; today & last nite; he broke the wheel of, so this morning he went up to get Emil’s wagon & had the colt loose & sure it had to get hit. Casper Horschmann has sale on the Barney Kaiser farm this afternoon. Al. May auctioneer. Ivo Buehler is moving Louis Voges from Sethfest farm to Cowell place in blackjacks, from which Esthers [Estkers?] moved to the bottoms, Aaron Papbenberg moved them. Freeburg Homecoming today. Donahues has a free dance tonite. Blossom City Boys playing. We went out to Henry’s to see the colt, it eats, but still lies down.

Sunday, Aug. 11, 1935

Went to Red Bud mass, & Boy! was Fr. sored [sic – soured], caused of the pinic [sic], only cleared $100.00 our quilt brought $20.00, but he had to take 48. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped & went to the pinic [sic] for supper, at Manier Park, we went to in the evening; large crowd; music in the afternoon by Floraville brass band & Pals of Harmony for the dance. Adm. 25¢, we didn’t win a thing; the quilts were won by Adele Bocker, & Mrs. Ad. Spalt & one raffled with playing bluey, by Adolph Rittmeyer. The chickens were all [gone] before supper, Adm. 40¢. Ray Herzog & Dorothy Napier were married yesterday. Rickert of Freeburg & Lillian Armbruster were married about 2 weeks ago at Belleville Court House, they say.

Wednesday, March 20, 1935

Rose & Berti went out to Uncle Fred’s helped finish & clean up, had dinner there. Papa helped Henry sow oats had dinner out there. We made garden, put out onions etc.; awful warm. Melvin Wagner was over, Chas & Bernice are both sick in bed, with fever & bad cold. Dr. Eckert was there this afternoon & night. Mr. John Armbruster & Lillian had a collision on the Freeburg hard road, she is in hospital, & he is also pretty bad. We went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary also were up, went to church.

Friday, Sept. 7, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had dinner here. He helped papa get the binder home from Fleckistein’s. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Wagner moved to Hecker, to Rausch place, Hy is going to live in Kammler’s summer kitchen; then. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Red Bud, bought a few things & got tickets. Armin Mier 22 of Prairie Du Long & Frieda Underwood of Freeburg 19, licensed was in the paper this evening. Aaron Papbenger’s dance the other night, he got $7.53; the orchestra took $7.50 – so he had 3¢ left; he had posters printed to; that is what they say. Ha!

Wednesday, May 23, 1934

Mr. Cleveland, worked here all day, had lunch, dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile, he took load wheat to Red Bud again. A girl here selling house remedies. A man around from Freeburg selling straw berries & pinapples [sic], we took 10¢ box got straw berries, & Oh! Boy were they good. Rosalia went quilting by Lester Gregson’s, fire Co. donated quilt, was given by Cora Armstutz, quilted by Gregson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for church. Rosalia had supper at the quilting, 10 quilters, improved 9 patch. Cleveland stayed for supper. Pap paid Cleveland labor $8.75, 35 hrs. @ 25¢; papa will finish the rest of it.

Thursday, May 10, 1934

Ascenscion [sic] Day, Holiday. We went to mass at 6 o’clock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came. The school children of Red Bud & some other schools are having an outing at Fort Chartres today, ice cream etc. Cool this morning & smoky. We went to Freeburg to see Classen. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, we went down to Red Bud, the doctor wasn’t at home, then went to Miss Belle Lambert, no body home there either, so we took the new hard road & drove down to Baldwin, over the river, it is awful dangerous, it is 8 mis. from Red Bud, so went we came back, went by Miss Belle again, then they were home, just got back from St. Louis on the bus; talked awhile, then went home, grape juice & cookies were served by Miss Mary. Seen in the paper a man by Prairie du Rocher, had a quarrel with his wife, then drank gasoline & shot himself funeral Sat.