It surely was hot yesterday 104 highest at 4 P.M. We are having chicken dinner. Mrs. Gertie Irose 44 yrs. old is being buried at Chester Ill. this morn. 9 o’clock mass by Fr. Tecklenburg of Evansville, for Fr. Lemen of Chester left for Nebraska. Seen in Messenger Fr. Freund is to be assistant at Muryphsboro [sic] for 6 weeks; at present he is at Waterloo. Clarence Heberer of Mascoutaha [sic] have a baby boy born on June 11 nee Marie Fults, Bertie’s 2nd yr. school teacher.
Sunday, June 7, 1936
Aunt Mary came & went along to Waterloo with us to church, Fr. Freund said his first mass, so many people at church; they had dinner here. Omer & Bert went to the banquet there at Memorial Hall, over 200 people for dinner there. went to the reception tonite, children play, violin solos, had sandwiches & soda. Rich Crowe came along with Fr. Freund from Ohio this morn; & also some college boy’s. Awful hot today.
Monday, May 18, 1936
We washed, ironed; cool & cloudy. Ralph Rausch brought $10 for ballground suppose to be $15 – but that is all they had left – from what they took in last nite, he said; the crowd wasn’t so good. Steve Rennecker came awhile this morning. There are quite a few birthday today. Rev. Stheve [sic – Steve] Freund was ordained in priesthood yesterday at Worthington Ohio, will say his first mass at Waterloo June 7 9:30
Monday, April 13, 1936
We washed ironed. Pap & Henry hauling wood. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, she went to Minnie’s & he worked garden. Mrs. Geo Freund, Joe & neighbor lady, came got the mare & colt, he lead the mare & colt, through town, & then rode it home through the prairie; Uncle helped him on hard road; paid $75 & balance a note. Pap & Henry went to Sam Mosio’s to Farm Bureau Meeting. A-A-A contract it is a new plan now again. Bert Thompson brought our 2 settings of duck eggs 70¢. Louis Geossling was here he is a agent selling door mats $1.25; he was hurt in the sewer project in Waterloo, rocks fell, & smashed his toes, pretty bad, dangerous.
Monday, April 6, 1936
Cloudy, & cold; In Alambama [sic] had a storm yesterday, 1 reported dead. In Georgia Tornado, 1,000 persons dead, & 4 houses burned this morning, from cyclones; terrible in other states. Pap & Rose took load wheat to Waterloo & went out to see Joe Freund’s to see his cow; but pap didn’t want it, but made trade anyway – $75 – cash – $75 note, coming to look & get it Thurs. morn. Leona is sick in bed with flu, – cold. Mr. Saliger of Horse Praire got the cultivator $35.00 this afternoon. Wm. C Voges was here wanted to buy oats, thought it was to high price but was going to tell his son Charles. Aaron Papenberg the assesor [sic] was here. We went out to Uncle Freds, for supper; & on business, paid interest of $300.00 note.
Sunday, April 5, 1936
Raining this morn, thunder & lighten. Palm Sun. Levi Ganley came & paid for his two loads hay $18.00. We spayed our baby chixs, 2 died. In the Evangicle [sic] churches the children are being examined this morn. next Sun. confirmation. Mr. Al. May & daughter Margaret of Burksville, stopped in a while. Mr. Joe Freund & Clifford Stalheber came at 9’oclock this evening, to look at the mare & colt he was down at Brauns, also looking for one; pretty late, he wants pap to look at his cow, he wants to trade in for the mare, thought the colt was nice.
Sunday, Jan. 19, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here. Mr. Edler & wife of St. Louis was here to see them. Bert & Rose went to Dreamland Palace, with Mike Freund; Jimmie & Dick Orch. Boy! it as good; nice crowd. There about all sick at Geodell; Ray has got the mumps, he & she are also ill. Leona is still about the same.
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1935
Fried down bacon & sausage. Send a order to Chicago Mail Order for shoes, felts for pap. Today Barbara Schoenborn of Paderborn working at Belleville & Roos are being married at the Catherdral [sic] at Belleville, dance at Daab’s Club House tonite, musci [sic] by Clem Rheinhardt & Gus Schaefer & Jake Schoenborn. & Joe Freund & Viola Einwich have a double birthday dance at Pautler’s, musci [sic] by Moonlighters, Gents 25 ladies free & goose as attendance prize, he send Berti a invitation card. Hy. Armstutz brought load corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & took Rose & Berti along, went to Pautlers to the birthday dance; Lanking won the goose, but he has so many; so they gave him $1.50; 1 kept the goose; pretty nice crowd.
Friday, Sept. 13, 1935
Mrs. Rennecker brought flower slips over. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s again to make hay; had lunches & dinner. A real estate agent Mr. Wolf of Freeburg was here, left his card. Mr. Stephen Freund & Richard Crow left for Worthington Ohio for school last week, Freund for his last year & there to be ordained, & Crowe first year Josephium College. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came got coffee.
Tuesday, Dec. 25, 1934
Christmas Day. Went to 5 o clock mass at Waterloo, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile before high mass here at 9 o clock. We went out to Henry’s, had dinner. Walter Reheis also came. Henry had to take the chains of off his car, gave him 2 cigars, then went to Belleville to see Hilda, was coming out by 3:30 again. The roads are terrible, & weather is too, gloomy, hasey [sic] & cloudy, raining. Received a Christmas Greeting from Miss Freund of 906 Rusell Ave. St. Louis yesterday. We didn’t go to the program at the Evangical [sic] Church, because rain.
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