Rabbit season opened today, hunters are out, & will be tomorrow holiday Armistice Day. Pap went out on business trip. Stehl was here. Emil came this afternoon finished his visit from last nite. Bert [Bertille] ironed, patched, etc. Cloudy this eve. radio says rain tonite. Mrs. Wil Gregson died this morn. 5 o’clock at Red Bud hospital, ailing for quite some time; will be buried at Round Praire [sic] Cemetery nee Frick.
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1936
Nice day, cool. The tree man was here. We went out to Henry’s helped clean bedroom today had dinner. A man here selling electric machine for all kind of work. Mr & Mrs Ed Brand were at Belleville at Frick’s funeral & stopped in here, on way to Levi Gregson’s; to say Hello! Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came from Cortner’s funeral at Hecker here. Mr. William Freund 27 & Marcella Fahey 25 are being married at Tipton this morning, attendants twin [to bride] Estella Fahey & Joe Freund; no wedding dance. Miss Dorothy Schoenborn & Sutter of Millsdadt [sic] married at Belleville this morning, attendants Jac Schoenborn, Rose Stul & Rudy Helfrich & Tillie Rhinehardt, friends, dance held at Stolbergs Lake Belleville.
Monday, Oct. 26, 1936
We washed. Pap went out to Henry’s & Uncle Adam’s. We went to Mr. Geo. Hepp funeral this afternoon, in Dec. he would be 103 yrs. old. grandchildren pallbearers, large funeral, the weather was ugly & cold; couldn’t all get in church, that was at the Round Prairie Church & Cemetery. Mr. Nic Cortner Sr. died will be buried tomorrow afternoon, Hecker cemetery. Isadore Cowell of Red Bud was buried last Sat. afternoon there & Mr. Ernst Frick of Belleville died, & will also be buried tomorrow afternoon.
Sunday, Oct. 7, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile had lunch. Barry May has shooting match this afternoon. The Hecker Baseball team has a dance at Manier’s tonite, Jolly Six Osc. of Red Bud, pretty fair crowd attended. We stayed home all day; had beef soup dinner. Mr. Joe Hilpert & family stopped a little while, he bought 2 doz. eggs; they were down at Sparta, he helped to build the CCC camps there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, too take in Maniers dance; outside. Papa & Uncle Fred went out to Henry’s. Pete Birkner looked at the house, he said he would furnish everything & plastered it for $30.00, papa thought that was rather much, so he won’t let him fix it. We went to Oak Grove to a dance, musci [sic] by Chris Dorn’s Orc. Adm. 25¢; nice crowd & good time. James McCaffery 68 of Red Bud died, funeral tomorrow, 9 o’clock by Rev. Stern. Mr. Emil Frick brother of Mrs. Willie Gregson died, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at St. Louis.
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