Washed, ironed; canning peaches, tomatoes. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he helped put up stands for pinic [sic]. German band played for John Myerscough, Daougertys. Elvira Haudrich have a baby born two weeks ago, twins were just yr old Sat.; now have 5 children. Rained this eve. little shower. Emil takes care of Ben Heyls stock & Peffers are living in house till Ben Heyls get back, are visiting Ed Brand in Alabama. Nearly all threshing machines finished today & pulled in sheds, Bruns is still out yet. Frischkorn & Schillings Klotz’s finished.
Monday, June 12, 1939
Raining all day. Bert [Bertille] washed [unclear] is in tubs. Mauff stopped in, got a 10 [cents] oranges. Frischkorn working on his threshing outfit over at Renneckers; today. Cold have fire in range; yesterday & today. Hail places on Sat. We received a copy of Jubliee [sic] Edition of Messenger; yesterday.
Wednesday, June 29, 1938
Pap went to Henry’s, all day. Wittenauer made hay here. Leona came after sacks this afternoon. Wheat is 65 [cents]. Nearly everybody started threshing today. Geo. Schillings, Nic Hess; Cortners run. Frischkorns. Klotz starts Sat.
Saturday, Nov. 7, 1936
Pap got haircut. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped on there way home from Benedick’s sale at Red Bud, Hy. Frisckorn bought the place $600.00. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Berti got 2 teeth pulled $3.50 & xray was $2. Maniers have fish fry tonite. Hy Limbach came this evening. Ralph Etling came on business. Viola Einwich is celebrating her birthday at Floraville.
Saturday, March 5, 1932
This morning snow fell & cold, it is to be 15 above zero tonight, the paper says. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, they went down to Red Bud to Hy. Frischkorn’s sale, but it was postponed they thought until Sat., he was going to call over the lines then, when he would have it. So she helped to quilt this afternoon. They where here for supper. Geo. Sensel postponed his sale until Wednesday. The paper say’s the heaviest snow of this winter fell this morning. At noon, the sun came out it wasn’t just so bad, but tonight is awful cold. We made fire in the furnace again. Pearl Griffin was operated on last Tues. for appendix, & is getting along nicely so far. They haven’t found Lindy’s baby yet, $50,000 ransom is out for them, if they bring the child back.
Friday, March 4, 1932
Today is Eddy Brand’s birthday in Albama [sic]. We set 3 hens last night & the incubator. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, she helped to quilt, & he worked in there garden. Bertille was over at Renneckers to get the paper to see about Hy. Frischkorn having sale tomorrow. There was a man around trying to sell chicken medicine, we didn’t buy any. the Eicheneseer’s boys was down & looked at our little pigs & chickens. Seen in the Waterloo paper that Emil Querheim had twins a boy & a girl born 9 clock on Feb. 29 leap year, they have 4 – 2 boys & 2 girls. Alois Havey have a child born in the hospital at St. Louis & Hy. Eichleman Jr. have a little boy, the first born.
Sunday, Dec. 27, 1931
We out at Aunt Mary’s for dinner & supper, Birkner’s & Buehler’s where there. Went to Rd [Red Bud?] Church morn. Hy. Frishcor’s [Frischkorn] wife was buried afternoon. Went over to Steve’s, Wagners was there too played pinochle. Chas. Geodell died yesterday buried tomorrow afternoon.
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