Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville selling. Marita stayed here; had beef soup dinner. Eggs 28 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] varnished kitchen floor this eve. Ted Eichenseer is building double garage, he purchased a 1939 Demonstrator Chev. from Kaiser at New Athens. Hy. Bruns moved his family & household articles last Sun. to Gambach farm, were [sic] he will now start farming, there. Mrs. Fristsche has her house for rent.
Saturday, Oct. 14, 1939
Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pie & made chicken. Frida [? – unclear] Fritsche was here wanted to buy corn. It was 34 [degrees] this morn. ice. Went to Red Bud took our radio along to Guker but it still is the same yet; went to Waterloo to church, & to get Bert’s [Bertille] watch had it cleaned & new glass put on $2.00.
Friday, May 19, 1939
Raining. Planted pumpkins & watermelons. Yesterday was clean up day for Hecker. Fritsche hauling rubbish. Wm Wiegand Jr. is very sick has lost his mind, since Wed. morn. can’t do nothing, going to take him away this afternoon to some asylum (at Anna). Mr & Mrs Bunny Miller (nee Buettner) have a baby.
Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1937
Foggy day again. Bert [Bertille] washed. Emil came over awhile this morn. Pap & him walked up to Frank Emery’s funeral this afternoon 2 o’clock services at house; then to city cemetery, he was 63 yrs. of age. had been ruptured some time ago; Pallbearers were Vic Eichenseer, Jac. Neff, Steve Rennecker, Oscar Klotz, Adolph Lother, Bill Fritsche. Wagner boy’s came got 4 doz. eggs for Mehrmann 25 [cents] today. Mrs. Bill Kaiser was taken to hospital in ambulance yesterday, double pneumonia, for 6 days; had Dr. Frein & nurse out yesterday also. Mr. Martin Fritsche here in town also has double pneumonia; so much sickness around & real weather for it to. Miss Kate McDermott who was making her home in St. Louis past while, suffered stroke Sun. morn, was taken to Red Bud hospital, were there she died, will be buried tomorrow morn, at Tipton church & cemetery at Koch [? – unclear]. Wagner’s family came this eve; we play 7 games pinochle, ladies winning every game.
Monday, Oct. 18, 1937
Raining all day. Leo Cortner was here looking for shoats. Pap got Bill Fritsche down to look at the furnace, cleaned it all out, had smoked so bad yesterday; couldn’t make much fire, warm again today, haven’t got fire in furnace now.
Saturday, May 29, 1937
Poppy Day, pap cutting grass this morn; worked truck patch; got haircut. We had a few light showers this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. Pap took mule to Fritsche got the hoofs trimmed 40¢. We went out to Henry’s this eve went along with them looking for pigs, by Burksville, but didn’t find none. There is a man at Donahue’s playing piano, starting tonite & playing till Mon. for 51 hrs. straight he plays, says in paper.
Friday, Oct. 30, 1936
Beautiful day. Bill Fritsche look & fix our furnace. Pap went up in woods, got load corn fodder. Frank Kroll wanted to see him, about lots at cemetery, so he had to go out there. Henry Schaefer of Waterloo died, to be buried tomorrow, at Hecker cemetery. Fr. Aydt to have mass at Waterloo at 10′ o clock then out to cemetery, there is 3 funeral masses at Waterloo, 2 are Stackels, one being Hy. Emery’s father in law, & Schaefer. Joe Gregson & Lester bought 2 acres of land from Wil. Harbaugh, $800.00, going to operate & build a filling station, it is already staked of. We went to Belleville this afternoon, pap went to dentist again.
Thursday, Dec. 12, 1935
Emil’s birthday. Berti baked cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up in the woods & got load rack; took milk & butter along home. Fredrick Fritsche came asked if he could go hunting here. Papa told him it was alright. Uncle brought the Belleville paper along up for us to read, they get it daily now. Mrs. Arthur Hepp was in the hospital, tonsils taken out. Steve Neff’s have a baby born at hospital. Willie Krehers have also a baby girl born Dec. 5. Webers Quarry is to be moved from Harbaughs farm to Rittmeyer’s, Weber has taken the Claus house in town, to pieces & will erect it out at the Quarry. Eichenseers have a new Chev. which costs $791.00 complete, trunk etc.
Friday, Sept 6, 1935
Papa & Rose went out digging potatoes; stoped [sic] at Henry’s. Bert canned qt. pickles & ½ tomatoes. Papa hauled load wheat to Red Bud got 77¢, that is the fourth load from Hecker wheat. Bert Thompson sold his farm to Minor from Belleville; Al. Eckert Niede Rausch, Jul Rausch, are going to Waterloo High School, Fredrick Fritsche to New Athens, & Beata Stiffler to Red Bud, lots of high school students.
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