Raining all day & cold this eve. to be 28 tomorrow morn; started furnace fire this morn. Leo came down got truck, to haul his calf’s of [sic – off] tomorrow $10.75 top price. Emil came this afternoon & Jake Neff to get doz. eggs 26 [cents]. Vic Papenberg & Bessie Parker were published for 3rd time yesterday.
Monday, Oct. 18, 1937
Raining all day. Leo Cortner was here looking for shoats. Pap got Bill Fritsche down to look at the furnace, cleaned it all out, had smoked so bad yesterday; couldn’t make much fire, warm again today, haven’t got fire in furnace now.
Friday, Oct. 23, 1936
Pap went out to get corn fodder. We ironed, patched. Mrs. Vera Boo canadiate [sic – candidate] was here left her card for a vote, Miss Mildred Gambach went around with her. We started fire in furnace, cold.
Sunday, May 28, 1933
We went to Red Bud, & to Ratz’s looked at a horse. Henry & family where up for dinner, & supper. Papa, Henry & boys went to Prairie Du Rocher to looked at horse & colt. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went down to the bridge, & from there came here, had supper, then went home came back again & went to the play in St. Augustine’s Hall school children, gave one Adm. 35¢. We went over to Wagner’s awhile, Rob & Olive Laut came too. Ed Schilling & Mary Furnace where published for the first time in Red Bud, & Waterloo. Miss Frieda Keim, Pete Keim’s daughter & Oscar Jatho, ran of to Belleville & where married last Thurs. afternoon by the squire, he had been going to instructions. Hecker ball team played Floraville at Hecker & won 23 to 3 in favor of Hecker, they won every game so far this season.
Sunday, Feb. 5, 1933
Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morn, it was awful cold 10 above, it snowed last night, everything was white. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here for dinner & then she helped us put the quilt in the frame, & marked some off. Henry was up this morn, & got our 3 pigs & is going to put them to his sow, what just had pigs, they are nice. We started the furnace again yesterday.
Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1932
It is freezing, cold. We started the furnace fire again this morning, didn’t have none all week because it was so nice & warm. Fr. Grootens was taken to the hospital last Friday, suffering from a nervous break down. Frank was also sick, he stays up at Belleville with the Becthloffts, the house isn’t finished yet.
Saturday, March 5, 1932
This morning snow fell & cold, it is to be 15 above zero tonight, the paper says. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, they went down to Red Bud to Hy. Frischkorn’s sale, but it was postponed they thought until Sat., he was going to call over the lines then, when he would have it. So she helped to quilt this afternoon. They where here for supper. Geo. Sensel postponed his sale until Wednesday. The paper say’s the heaviest snow of this winter fell this morning. At noon, the sun came out it wasn’t just so bad, but tonight is awful cold. We made fire in the furnace again. Pearl Griffin was operated on last Tues. for appendix, & is getting along nicely so far. They haven’t found Lindy’s baby yet, $50,000 ransom is out for them, if they bring the child back.
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1931
We started fire in the furnace again today. Tonight is a meeting for the people on account of reopening the bank in the school hall. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Rosalia is on the sick list with headaches, colds. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family came up. Henry & Uncle Fred went to the meeting. Leona brought a dress pattern along up. There was a funeral went past here today. The Smithton minister was in the lead. Dashner’s Ambulance & 9 cars following.
Monday, Oct. 20, 1930
We washed this morning. Henry & Leona went to Belleville & also to the coal mines & got a load of coal for the church. They left the kids here, they came back about 4 o’clock, they left at 10am this morning, but they had to wait so long to get a load of coal. Sister Several call up this morning and wanted to know if Papa would go to Red Bud this morning & get a school desk for the sister, so he did, this afternoon he went to get a load of coal for the church, but there were so many trucks waiting at the coal mine that he went over to Freeburg’s coal mine & there he got 19 bu. 70 lbs. for $1.56. Rosalia took 8 doz. eggs to the store & got .26¢. The Catholic School children didn’t have no school today, because it was to cold & the furnace isn’t fixed yet in the new school house, & it is to cold with out fire.
Saturday, Oct. 18, 1930
It froze ice last night in the chicken troughs. The people were seen with their overcoats on. Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon and got his watch fixed and the oil changed in the Chev. 11513 miles. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Red Bud to a sale. They brought us 1/2 bu. sweet potatoes along. I don’t no how much they are. We made fire in the furnace today.
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