It froze ice last night, even in chicken house. Tonite the St. Augustine’s parish have lotto game. Henry came up yesterday evening, brought the beef along what he had left from selling at Waterloo we took 14 lbs. he sold it at 12 & 14¢; couldn’t sell none here in town, because George Lorberg went around, sold it at 8 & 10¢; Henry sold $26 & still had the hind quarter left. Papa & Rosalia took load wheat to Red Bud. 80¢. Papa & Rosalia went out in the country, pap went in woods, Rose helped Leona fried down beef. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came there & got beef. Ed Neff was here got chicken corp box. Len Mertz & wife formerly Hilda Wilhelm, school teacher, moved into the Gambach property, & will start store, buy poultry & eggs, & sell products of all kinds. Mrs. Gambach moved up stairs, they have two rooms down stairs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came took Rosalia & Berti along to the lotto game in the school hall. Aunt Mary got dresser oil cloth scarf, she got 1 points, 3 of them had 5 points, some 4 & 2 – rest 1; 25 games were played. Then they had a cake walk, had 19 cakes, auction 14 cakes out, the others brought $1 apiece. Large crowd.
Sunday, July 30, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, lunch. It is rather warm again today. We went early to church, had a blow out coming home close to Chas Helfrichs, changed tires & came on. Fred Papenberg got a new chev & Oscar Birkners a used Ford, all close cars. There must be some thieves around Hecker, Hugo Probst got $10 stolen, Wagners got all the ripe & green plums stolen. Lester Gregson moved from the Gambach place to his own that he bought on East Main St. & Mr. & Mrs. Willie Gregson moved in Gambach property. We had our first roasting ears corn for dinner. The pallbearers from Aunt Lizzie where, Emil Brand, Ben Schilling, Hy Eichelman, Edwin & Willie Reheis, Fred Wiegand. The Heyl’s relatives have basket pinic [sic] at the Round Prairie Park, in honor of Mrs. Kessler from Alba. The threshing crew of Oscar Klotz’s have chicken bouilion, at Sam Krehers woods. It is in the paper that Lavern Koerber 23 & Irene Neff 21 where married at Red Bud by Rev. Stern in Catholic parsonage, Mary Havey & Paul Neff where attendats; last Wed. Roller skates & bicycle riding is the latest in Hecker at present. Mr. Rettinhouse is very bad expecting to live only couple days. We have 2 qts tomatoes canned so far, Mrs. John Reheis has 28 qts. & ain’t near finished yet.
Tuesday, June 27, 1933
Today is 3 anniversary of Gambach bros. Steve’s Renneker birthday, also Agnes Gregson. Rosalia & Bertille went out washing at Henry’s; had lunch there. We all went out to Uncle Fred’s to help with hay had supper. Mr. Rettinghouse is pretty bad.
Sunday, May 14, 1933
“Mothers Day.” Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. Henry & family where going to come too, but it had rain to much. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s this evening, walked down to Mrs. Ahrens & looked at there, then Mamie came along down home with us. Mildred Gambach broke her arm while roller skating shortly after noon today. The St. Augustine’s Church are having out poster for a pinic [sic] on May 30, the Waterloo has also School Pinic [sic] that day, the Catholic Hecker School children will give a play on 28.
Monday, March 20, 1933
It started to rain, so we didn’t wash today. Papa went up town this afternoon. Two of our hens hatched Sat. 14 chicks. It is a real snow blizard [sic] this evening, & cold, we covered our cabbage plants & lettuce. The Ladies Aid had a quilting at George Kammlers today. George Wagner & Joe Watchel where spading there garden today, while it was snowing. Gambach’s & Stifflers case was to come of today in court.
Thursday, Sept. 29, 1932
Mr. Jung got 136¾ lbs. spring chickens at 10¢ lb. Papa fixed a corn crib. John Braun called up that our cow got over in his patch. The people are plowing the ground at the church place yesterday & today. Some guys from St. Louis are fixing the house, replastering & talk is out Frank is going to get married before Christmas & moved out there. We went out to Uncle Freds brought them some butter & cheese. Mrs. Geo. Gambach’s have a new Chev. Talk is out that Mrs. John Ambruster left & Lillian too last Friday, they moved to Belleville, furniture & everything, John & Raymond is still on the farm.
Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1932
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & got the grass mower, & cut his alfalfa hay. We dug out 4 rows potatoes again this afternoon. Hy. Armstutz came there awhile, the way he says they had the sheriff out here from Waterloo, on account of Harry Stiffler, he wanted to see his kid & Gambachs wouldn’t let him in, so Mrs. called the Sheriff, he took Harry along to Waterloo put him under arrest. Mildred has to go in tomorrow morning. It rained this evening a good heavy shower. Bertille was in Hecker this afternoon.
Saturday, July 2, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home this morn. & coming back tonite. Papa is plowing. Today was a few sisters celebrating fifieth [sic] jubilee, Mr. Eichenseer’s sister was one they went down to Ruma. It turned awful cold last night & rather cool today. Tomorrow is birthday anniversary of Willard Gambach, today & Hy. Armstutz. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here awhile then went to Hy’s Birthday.
Friday, July 1, 1932
Papa took the saddle horse & rode out to Uncle Fred’s today to help put up hay; he had lunch, dinner. Rosalia & Bertille went to the funeral of Mr. Gambach’s this afternoon, to the house, church & went to the cemetery with Mrs. Oscar Birkner, it was a large one & many flowers. Mrs. Gambach takes it awful hard. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to stay over night, Rosalia Bertille rode along down to the cemetery to see Gambach’s grave & all the flowers. Mrs. Hy. Gambach brought one there too.
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