Papa went up to see Fix but he wasn’t at home. He stopped in at Scheinder’s at Smithon [sic] & told him we have horses for sale. Clifford came over at noon. Papa rode the saddle horse out to Henry’s & brought the mule back. Bobby & Floyd got there pictures taken on it; & rode him around. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening a while, to see Mr. Gambach, they aren’t going to the funeral, because they have hay to make. Jos. Schilling finished threshing 520 bu. he got. George Schilling also started today.
Wednesday, June 29, 1932
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get the harness & plow, he traded his horse to Kelley for 2 horses & hay; he brought the horses yesterday & got a load of how & today he said he was coming after the rest. Emil was here & him & papa started the team out in a plow, some circus. Ed. Meng was also here. Clifford brought there horse over & took the saddle horse & went riding. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to help make hay. They where here for lunch. They brought Mr. Gambach home this evening & will be buried Fri. afternoon at 1:30, the paper states he took cresote [sic – creosote], Mrs. found him at 7 o’clock in the barn lying face downwards.
Tuesday, June 28, 1932
We washed, ironed, patched. Clifford told us this morning that Mr. Gambach was found dead in the barn lying on sacks, like a stroke or something. Papa went down to Armstutz’s & got Hy’s team & mowed & cut the alfalfa hay. The New Athen’s cleaners & pressing factory where here with special prices on cleaning dresses, suits & such like all or each for 75¢ each article. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch & supper, we helped to shell peas. Clara Wagner & the kids came over awhile. George went to the town meeting, then he came over when he got back. Mr. Gambach was 59 yrs. old, he took Lysol poisoning & had the gun lying beside him when they found him on sacks in the barn, he should off told Hy. Armstutz that yesterday was the day, but they watched him pretty close on the 27, but this morning he got away with it. They took him in to Belleville, to undertaking parlor. The paper says he took corsote [sic – creosote].
Monday, June 27, 1932
Today is Steve’s birthday. Karl Boll married a yr. & Gambach’s buried 2 yrs. It rained nearly all day. Papa went up town awhile this morning; got his check for $6.50 & sent the insurance for the Whippet $9.66. The bank paid out 10% again, so far it is 25% paid out. We all & George Wagner’s family went over to Rennecker’s. Steve was 68 yrs. old; cake, & beer where served. J Brown was here.
Monday, Jan. 25, 1932
Today is wash & iron & patching. Sewed all our aprons. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here this evening, they came after Josie, she was down at Ben Heyl’s today, we played 5 & 6 handed pinochle. Lester Gregson is moving to Hecker in Gambach’s house, he moved some today. Aunt Mary said Edwin Watchel’s windows where smashed in, but she don’t know what happened.
Sunday, August 16, 1931
Papa went to Smithon [sic] church this morn. We had dinner & lunch at Uncle Fred’s here today. Today is Robert Gregson’s first year birthday & is also Lena Mengs. The way we heard Edgar Voges & Elva Jatho are being married at Floraville 2 o clock this afternoon & a big dance to night. Gambach car was on fire & tires all 4 a hole cut in at 4 o’clock this morning. Mildred was at the Freeburg home-coming, & this morn. Mrs. smelled rags burning, they looked & found the front seat of the car burning & tires all flat, but they don’t know how it happened or who did it or anything. There was a car load of people here from New Athens they wanted to know where Ed Foster lives on the Hirst place we told them, there is a basket picnic there today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to see Henry Birkner’s, little baby boy born Aug. 7, 12 lbs. they called it Glen Clem, Mrs. Louise Birkner & Clem Parker where sponsors. Christ Buehler’s called there little girl Iona Applonia, Oscar Birkner & wife where sponsors. There was people here from E. St. Louis & bought 5½ lbs. springs for 24¢. Rosalia & Bertille went to church this evening, not very many there.
Thursday, April 2, 1931
We all went to church this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for breakfast, dinner & supper. Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille went to church this afternoon for 1/2 hr. Uncle Fred went home & come back again for supper. Papa went to Waterloo today, & from there, too Caldwell’s farm. There were school kids here pretty near every half hr. today, selling chances on bedspread, quilt, lumber jacket for 5¢. We took 3 chances. This evening Henry’s family were all up. We all went to church. Uncle Fred took care of the kids. We heard today that Harry Stiffler was runned away from Gambach’s Store. The Scheriff [sic.] was out, & also Bollinger the other day. Henry was up here this morning & got a load of corn fodder. This evening they took 17 doz. eggs along home to set the incubator again, they got about 125 from the last hatch. Bertille took 1 setting down to Lizzie Boll’s this evening, got 20¢ for them. Eggs are 16¢ a doz.
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 1931
We went to Belleville this morn. & sold 5 doz. eggs for .25¢ & 12 doz. for .20¢. We got new hats today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there too. The way it looks like Elmer Kammlers are moving today. They are loading up things, rugs & boxes up too Gambachs place, but they wasn’t told to move by Uncle Fred & Elmer never say anything to him. Tonight is euchre in the new school hall again. Papa & Rosalia are hauling water from Henry’s cistern and are putting it in ours, with milk cans. Papa took the milk cans back to Oscar Birkners & Ronerbergs again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening & then we all went to the euchre, there wasn’t many people there. Rosalia & Aunt Mary each won a prize. Rosalia had 7 points & got a hat. Aunt Mary had 8 points & got a pair of pillow cases.
Saturday, Oct. 25, 1930
Today is Jake Reheis’s wife’s birthday. They are going to celebrate by having a dance in Breezy’s Hill. Today Gambach is to start his sale. This evening Rosalia and Bertille went up & took Mamie along & then we went to the Republican meeting in the church hall, or in the new school hall. Archie Weihl & A.C. Bollinger, A.H. Friedichs & Meader from Columbia were the main speakers & Luis Weihl was chairman. Free sandwiches and soda water were had & gumo (?) for the ladies from Casey Leep, blotters from Louis H. Zimmer.
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