Thursday, Oct. 23, 1930

Today it is a year that we moved up in our new house, but we didn’t have such weather then, like it is today.  Bertille was at church this morning.  There were some people here this afternoon & wanted to buy some eggs, but they wanted all white ones & that we didn’t have, so from here they went down to Braun’s.  We were invited to a dance out at Ettling’s tonight, it is a birthday party, but we didn’t go.  Eggs are .27¢ today.  Mrs. Anna Lutz is awful sick at present, she has a nervous break down.  Papers were given out this evening for Gambach’s Sale.  Starts Saturday.  Merchandise, shoes, hardward, clothing, this is closing out sale.

Thursday, Sept. 25, 1930

Today the teacher’s have institute in Monroe Co.  Papa went over to Steve Rennecker’s awhile last evening.  Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning.  Mr. Feldmeier was here this afternoon and looked at our horses.  But he didn’t want them.  Papa went to Belleville this afternoon.  I seen in the paper that Mrs. Alfred Stahl was ill & Miss Luella Pfeiffer is working there.  Last Sat. Eichenseer’s has a new roof put on the barn.  Jacob Helfrich did the work.  Mr. & Mrs. George Wagner and family spent last Sunday at Forest Park in St. Louis.  George Gambach will sell out and retire from merchandise business.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this evening, they brought a watermelon along, we ate it, it tasted good.  Bertille took 6 doz. eggs off and got .23¢ a dozen.

Thursday, Sept. 11, 1930

Rosalia & Bertille had house cleaning upstairs today.  Washed curtains.  There was a man here this morning wanted to know if we had any wells or cisterns to clean.  We sent him off.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morning.  He wanted to get some jack to raise the house a little.  Aunt Mary said there was just such an awful crowd down at Wiegands, they took up collection .25¢ a piece.  They took in $9.00 and some cents.  Bill Herzog, Lawrence Schultz and another fellow, furnished music.  Ted Eichenseer’s were cooking apple butter today.  Rosalia took 5 doz. eggs to the store & got .25¢ a doz.  I noticed in the paper in Hecker news that, Adam Eisenhaver and H.M. Hill were called into probate court at Belleville Sat. to testify as witnesses to the last will of Benhardt Buss.  George Gambach dug a new well on his premises.  There is about 5 or 6 ft. of water in it.  A St. Louis baseball team arrived here Sunday & showed Hecker boys how to play ball by defeating them with a score of 7 to 2.  Hurrah! for St. Louis.  Charles Boll is the oldest man in Hecker.  He celebrated his 82 birthday last Sunday.  Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kunz are the happy parents of a baby boy born to them last Tuesday, Sept. 9.  She was formerly before marriage, Miss Marie Rausch of Hecker, Ill.  They now live at Smithton.  Clifford Sthaleber [Stahlebher] was over a little while this evening.

Friday, Sept. 5, 1930

It is raining a little this morning.  Gregory McArthy is teaching the Hecker School and he boards by Eichenseers.  I seen in the paper that there are a lot of people ailing at present, they are, Mrs. Rausch ailing of a weak heart.  Mrs. Spalt has Typhoid fever, Bill Parkinson has rehuwates [?], Peter Dehn is no better yet.  George Gambach had his well closed up with cinders.  Harry Stiffler moved in Gambach’s property.  Clarence Pabst sold his milk route and truck to Clarence Wittenauer.  Edward Neff & Mr. & Mrs. John Reheis motored to St. Louis & visited Forest Park.  The Hecker baseball team played with Waterloo, the Catholics, Sunday there and were defeated with a score of 14 to 6 & Monday they played at New Athens & was defeated by a score of 14 to 4.  William Birkner is building a garage.  Henry Armstutz is on jury at Waterloo.  Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s this afternoon to help to cut corn.  We had lunch out there.  We brought some corn father along back.  Rosalia went and got the mail.  Tomorrow we intend to dig a well by the straw shed.  Bennet Mudd from Red Bud guessed in Waterloo Sunday that a sack of feed weighed 30.9 lbs.  He was closest to it, it weighed 30.8 lbs.  He got the 100 lb. sack of pig chow.  Mrs Threfall & John Henkel had to be on circuit court last Tuesday.  She sued John $300.00 for board.  On Sept. 1 Mon. Peter Dietz & Miss Marie Henke were married in Waterloo.  Mrs. Ralph Neff & Miss Anna Dietz were best.  Henry Eichleman marriage license was also in the paper he is 29 yrs. old & Dora Einwich is 18 yrs.  Virginia Emery of Hecker won the Normal School Scholarship.

Thursday, July 10, 1930

Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo & took 5 bus. wheat along & got .77¢ bus.  They got the oil changed in the Whippet.  5150 miles.  This afternoon Papa & Bertille took 16 bus. to Freeburg & got .78¢ bus.  That was all wheat from out at Henry’s.  Clarence Pabst hauled a load to Freeburg from down there and got 78 & .63¢ bus.  He charged $3.50 to haul it there.  Bertille was up at the store this afternoon.  Mrs. George Gambach is awful sick at present.  Rosalia went across the street awhile to talk to Ida.

Thursday, July 3, 1930

Today is Willard Gambach’s birthday.  Had he lived until today, he would have been 27 years old.  Today is also Ralph Ettling’s birthday.  I heard they were going to celebrate it tonight with a dance.  But we are not invited.  I send a check to the Athens Lumber Co. this morning for sewer pipes amounting to $15.40.  The thrashing machine came here about 4 o’clock this evening.  They didn’t finish here yet.  We got 108 bu. so far.  We got one load tomorrow morning.  We were all out at Ettlings this evening.  We sure did have a good time.  We came home at 2 o’clock.  Cake and beer were plentiful.  They had fireworks.

Wednesday, July 2, 1930

Today is Hy. Armstutz’s birthday.  Him and Mr. Gambach tend the store.  I send a letter to the Auto Ins. Co. for the Chev. $7.18.  Kuhus started thrashing today.  Tomorrow they will be over at Ed Mengs.  Rosalia and Bertille went out to Henry’s this afternoon and took a few things along out from the store what she needed for thrashing.  This evening Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went out to Henry’s to see about thrashing.  Geodell’s family from Waterloo were also there.  We helped Leona string and cut beans for to can.  Bertille was up at church this morning.

Tuesday, July 1, 1930

Rosalia & Bertille washed today.  Papa is setting posts.  Joe Schilling thrashed 900 bu. wheat today.  Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s this evening a little while.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up a little while this evening.  Rosalia clipped their necks for them.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Rosalia & Bertille went down to the cemetery to see the Gambach’s graves.  They are all decorated with flowers.  Eichenseers were also down there.  Papa was over at Ed. Mengs and then he came up to the store.  The day when Gambach brothers got buried, they say that Father Grootens was also in their church too.  On June 27 is also Steve Rennecker’s birthday, the same day the Gambach’s died.

Monday, June 30, 1930

Bertille went to church this morning.  It is also raining this morning again.  This afternoon the Gambach brothers are getting buried in one hole side by side.  Mrs. Gambach said they died together, they should stay together & be buried together.  We all went to the funeral this afternoon, it was the largest ever had in Hecker.  So many pretty flowers.  They had 2 florist wagons to haul the flowers to the cemetery.  It was an awful sad case.  Mrs. George Gambach and Mrs. Henry Gambach & Mildred Stiffler, they just hollered & cried something terrible.  The parents bought a big bouquet of flowers for each one.  Mrs. Hy. Gambach bought one with “My Dear Husband” written on it.  We all went to Freeburg this evening & got some steel posts.  We saw the graves as we went by.  It was just decorated all over with flowers.  Their coffins cost $700. a piece.  They was put in concrete vaults.  They took the picture of them coffins when they was in the undertaking wagon.  The Y.P.L. walked down in front of the hearsts all the way to the church.  And also the pall bearers walked along side of the hearsts.  The ball bearers for Henry were- Harry & Elmer Kammler, Mrs. Gambach’s brother, Louis & Fred Armstutz, & another fellow I didn’t know him.  For Willard was, Henry Spalt, Henry Siegand, Werner Kammler, Kenneth Kemp, Flossie Kammler’s brother, Henry Emery.

Sunday, June 29, 1930

Papa & Rosalia went to first mass this morning.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Papa went in to Gambach’s this morning.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was at our house for dinner today.  After dinner we all went up to Eichenseer’s corner and stood around there awhile.  Rosalia & Mamie & Angela & Bertille went up to see the new school.  It rained this evening.  There were an awful lot of people going in and out over at Gambach’s this afternoon.  Grace Axley was also up here.