Pap & Rose went out to Henrys’ got load oats; he went to see Dan Geodelle. The Staff man of Red Bud came, they went out in the woods this afternoon. Wm. Ganley & Jack was here paid Int. for the year. Sure beautiful day. Henry came & cut alalfa [sic] hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Presidents are to speak over the Radio tonite, Roosevelt & Landon at 8:30 & 9:30 from Chicago, Ill.
Friday, Sept. 18, 1936
We dug our potatoes this morn; aren’t very large. The log man was here again today. Paper says that Wm. Ganley got to have shooting match for turkeys on 27. We killed 2 snakes this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & family were here this eve.
Sunday, Sept. 13, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Ben & Omer, Berti, & Levi Ganley, & Fr. Aydt. Frank Kroel attended the Murphysboro 2nd. Catholic Congress, sure nice drive, 60 miles, it was held at the Riverside Park, beautiful place, but it was so hot. Rose & Leo & some more attended at Scothfield to see the place & then went to Louis Kaiser at Trenton. All went to Floraville tonite, Arthur Metiomanus birthday dance, & what a crowd, & heat. Eichenseers brought a electric radio down to try out, for awhile; then got it again.
Friday, July 3, 1936
Boy! is it a heavy dew this morn. Started threshing again, at Ganley’s, this afternoon. We went to Henrys had lunch dinner supper; had the thresher for lunch, 243 bus. we got 81 bus. We went to Mason’s from there. Mrs. Geodelle was out but she was sick.
Tuesday, June 30, 1936
Still hot. 90. Stookey says at St. Louis; cloudy but so far hasn’t rain, radio says rain, & cooler today. Mrs. Randolph Parrot is being buried at Red Bud this morning at 9’o clock; Omer’s aunt. We went out to Henry’s had dinner, they were going to thresher, but it started raining at 9:30, & Levi Ganley didn’t get finished. Boy! It sure was a nice rain. We had a few chicks soaked, made fire & brought them by the stove, & they were soon alright again, 1 dead.
Thursday, June 11, 1936
Levi Ganley came, he said he wasn’t going to buy a horse yet, might get a tractor, he lost his horse last week, just has 1 left. Cool this morning, temperature 62. Working on brooder house.
Wednesday, June 10, 1936
Nice cool morning, had awful wind at 3 o’clock. Pap is making a small hen house. Levi Ganley came looked at the mule. Bert patching socks. Received the $1.00 refund check from Chicago Mail Order.
Sunday, April 5, 1936
Raining this morn, thunder & lighten. Palm Sun. Levi Ganley came & paid for his two loads hay $18.00. We spayed our baby chixs, 2 died. In the Evangicle [sic] churches the children are being examined this morn. next Sun. confirmation. Mr. Al. May & daughter Margaret of Burksville, stopped in a while. Mr. Joe Freund & Clifford Stalheber came at 9’oclock this evening, to look at the mare & colt he was down at Brauns, also looking for one; pretty late, he wants pap to look at his cow, he wants to trade in for the mare, thought the colt was nice.
Tuesday, March 31, 1936
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he & papa went up to work in the woods again, had supper here. Aunt Mary & Rose went over to see Mrs. Staufenbiel, Aunt took goods over for her to make a dress. Levi & Jack Ganley got 2 loads hay; Mr. Jake Erle stopped in. A fellow here form Muryphsboro [sic] selling apples, Aunt Mary bought 1 pk. Sure cold this morning 28° above; ground froze hard last nite.
Monday, March 30, 1936
Colder this morning. Papa & Rose took load wheat 85¢ to Waterloo. Ed Rehlings & Hartmanns have electric lights from Waterloo now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, he helped in the woods. Henry is hauling it together this afternoon; they had supper here. Levi Ganley came & looked at our haystacks, he wants to buy some. Papa took the mare over to Ed. Meng’s this evening. Eggs 15¢.
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