Beautiful day. Pap hauled load wood in the basement; this afternoon went out & helped Henry sewing oats. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped went to Smithton. Mrs. And. Mueth was here, looking for seed oats. Bert made garden planted onion sets, radishes, peas, lettuce. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert went along to the wake of Mr. Chas. Geodelle, 87 yrs. old; out at the house; so many people coming & going, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at Waterloo; & church. Sly. Doyle died & is to buried tomorrow morning at Red Bud, he was operated on appendix a couple weeks ago. Henry & family came this eve. A man around selling apples, bought pt. 50¢.
Tuesday, March 10, 1936
Pap went out & helped Henry sew oats, had dinner. A fellow from West of Waterloo was here wanted to know the road to Uncle Freds, he wanted to buy a wagon etc, but he never got out there; They were up this afternoon, making a garden, also did we, planted out onions, lettuce peas, radishes, & helped Aunt Mary with there garden, she took ½lb. butter along. Eggs are 15¢ today at the store here. Windergast barn & shed in the blackjacks burned down today; the Hecker fire department was called, but Waterloo was there about 10 mins before, so they did the work; they were burning weeds, & the wind took a spark on the old shingle roof on the barn, & started in to burning; the fire department here, went the wrong way. We sewed oats in the chicken yard; sure nice weather now.
Friday, Aug. 3, 1934
Papa & Rosalia dug bucket potatoes. Went to to Waterloo took a load wheat in, 87¢ went to the bank. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she helped to clean dishes for pinic [sic], in the school house; had dinner, & watermelons here. Henry was here for dinner & supper, he started plowing after dinner, with tractor. Papa got the money from Hempe’s $1400.00 & he paid $1700.00 of to Uncle Fred; & $17.00 interest. Leona & kids came up to get Henry.
Saturday, July 28, 1934
Papa went to Rall’s sale by Red Bud this afternoon – everything brought a good price. People here selling vanilla extract. We planted beans & pickles yesterday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to New Athens Homecoming this afternoon. We went out to Birkner’s, then to Hy. Ronnenberg’s farewell party, half barrel beer was the refreshments; the men chipped together & Hillheims got the beer from Hecker; danced in the barn, musci [sic] by I. Helfrich Sheonborn; not a very large crowd.
Wednesday, April 18, 1934
We planted the rest of our potatoes today. George Wagner came & got the mule & plow, to work his patch up. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, Rose & Bertie went along to the card party in St. Augustine’s School Hall; pretty large attendance. Berti had 2 points & Rose had 4, so we got nothing, Uncle Fred had 10 got a broom. Some nice prizes they had. Mr. Judge Scheinder Waterloo had 11 points won first prize, got bucket & quilt top; & Clem Parker won attendance prize, a krinkle bed spread. Mamie came this morning, Rose set her hair. The lumber man & Ike Napier were here, talk roofing, from New Athens.
Tuesday, April 17, 1934
Town Election. We cleaned house down stairs, all finished now, but the basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] awhile, went down to Red Bud with wheat. 70¢ bus. Pap & Rosi went up to vote. Lester Gregson won by 12 votes & tonite Clifford came & told us that Lester has 1/8 beer in all 3 saloons, everybody should come & help themselves. We didn’t. Ha! Ha! plenty beer; real day for Hecker! Henry came this evening, awhile. Three of our little chicks died. We ate our first lettuce yesterday. We planted 20 tomato plants from A. [Aunt] Mary.
Saturday, April 14, 1934
We cooked kettle soap. Papa went out too Uncle Fred also to Waterloo on business. The baseball club is giving a dance in Waterloo barn tonight, All Buchon’s band. Mr. Marshall Hill of Smithon [sic] have a little baby girl born, at the hospital at 3 o’clock this morning. Papa had dinner out at Uncle Freds. Robert Laut was here, wanted pap to vote for him, school election today, he is running for director. Clarence Wittenauer came to see papa about ball grounds, wether [sic] it was rented or not. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, made garden up here. Ted Eichenseer came down electioneering, him & Lester Gregson are running for town clerk to be next Tues. Robert Laut 30 votes won for school director, Wm Weigand 10 votes was running against him. Thresher boss meeting at Belleville this afternoon. Planted potatoes, at the Irish road.
Wednesday, May 10, 1933
We patched. Ivo Buehler is disking our ground this morning, took him about 1 hr. quarter. Papa went to town this morn. There sure was a heavy hail storm in New Athens, hail as big as a hen egg they say, by Sam Krehres [sic – Krehers] the wind was so strong it took big trees twisted them right of; we could hear it roar here, there wasn’t any wind here at all. Hy. Limbach came looked at our mule. Rosalia & Bertille went out to work the garden at Henrys again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up; she brought a house plant & fern from Mrs. Frank Birkner.
Sunday, June 5, 1932
We went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile & then went home. They made there Solemn Holy Coummioun [sic – Communion] but the children where to make there private also, but didn’t know it well enough, so it was set of. It is so hot 90 in shade & oats bugs are so bad. Robert Merz & family where here this morn, but he was to late for business. People here from St. Louis bought 17 doz. eggs @ 10¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening to stay in Hecker over nite & work in the garden tomorrow. Clifford said the motor cop caught a car by John Braun’s for reckless driving, the cop had a whistle like an ambulance. There was a big parade in Belleville today, Americian [sic] Legion Convention.
Friday, April 1, 1932
We cleaned the little chick house. Papa went out to Henry’s, help sew oats. He was there for dinner. We set 5 hens again last nite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are up again this afternoon making garden. Mrs. Stricker, Mr. Kumke are being buried at Red Bud this afternoon. Rosalia & Bertille had lunch at Aunt Mary’s, helped them make garden. Hy. Armstutz was there awhile too. Papa went to Red Bud to inquire from Wn. Cowell about insurance. Mr. Wise insurance agent for the Ill. State Auto Association, was here trying to insure papa in that Auto company, he & Henry both joined, payed $12.00 now, it is a jubilee, so it is cheaper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry where here listening to him talk. Ed. Neff was here & told papa that Auto Co. was shake, him & Phil Braun where to be the represtative [sic] of Hecker, but they both went in to see Harry Jackons this evening yet, they are going to with draw now they said so Papa & Henry will to, but wither [sic] they get there $12.00 back, will find out later. A good many people from around here joined it.
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