Nice day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he went to Waterloo. Albert Gauen died this morn. 64 yrs.
Thursday, Nov. 4, 1937
Pretty cold, also yesterday morn. Henry brought load corn; white frost this morn. Ella Miller’s son in law is being buried this afternoon, his wife died yr. ago; leaves 2 children. had pneumonia, sick for 4 days. 41 yrs. old lives in Belleville. Uncle Fred came & him & pap went to school grounds, haul toilets home with the wagon & team; had dinner out there. Bert [Bertille] patched. Gauen came got ham 14½ lbs. @ 40¢. – cloudy this afternoon. Raining tonite; we went over to see Emil awhile, read papers etc.
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1935
We cleaned front & bedroom today, little cloudy & rainy. Schwarz from Mound Ill was here selling apples we took 2 bus. 75¢. winesaps Roman Beautys & 1 bu. twigs 65¢, half for Leona. Uncle Ret’s [?] birthday. Al Gauen came & got 2 hams 24½ lbs. 35¢ & ½ bu. sweet potatoes 50¢. Berti baked molasses cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Belleville to Breautigams funeral from Gunlack chapel to cemetery. Papa used mullin leaves this evening for the first time.
Saturday, Aug. 10, 1935
Henry came & got his team & a wagon; had lunch here & engine moved out about 6 o’clock this morning. Katie Keorber youngest daughter of Louis Keorber & Wm. Weber’s boy were married last Sat. at 3:30 Smithon [sic] church; going to start in farming. Pap & Rose hauling wheat from Henry’s to Waterloo. Al Gauen came & got a 13½ lb. ham, 35¢. The price of hogs now is $12 – 100, market. Richard Crowe was out helping with threshing yesterday. Rained this morn. Wheat 77¢ had 17 bus. hauled to Waterloo. We went to a free dance at Pautlers tonite, nice crowd, Carle Schumacher Orchestra.
Saturday, Oct. 13, 1934
Henry came finished sewing wheat this afternoon. Emil didn’t help today, papa sewed. Henry had lunch, dinner. Mr. Sheriff Gauen got another ham 12 lb. & ½ bu. sweet potatoes. A guy here to sell Skill gas stoves, working for the Utility Co. of Waterloo. Harry Wittenauer got bu. sweet potatoes $1.00. this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were to Red Bud brought 2 sacks hog along for us. Henry & family came, kids stayed here & they went to Belleville to the stores are open till 8 o clock. Papa got crushing done. Mr. George Schilling left last Sat. for an extended trip in the East to Fort Wayne Indiana. Bill Refescheinder of Waterloo is celebrating his birthday at Pautler’s tonite. Adm. gent 25¢ ladies free. Moonlighters [playing]. Elmer Matthews has one in Foster Pond tonight. Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker, & boarder Mr. Smith went out this evening.
Monday, June 11, 1934
We worked the garden, & watermelon patch. Mr. Chas. Hill of Waterloo sold his house in town or rather had to sell, last Sat. to Sheriff Gauen’s son, $3500; Hill is going to built a house on wheels & leave Waterloo, going out somewhere in Mo. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening. There was a little fuss up at Maniers yet last night; Mertz, R. Meng & guy Columbia.
Friday, Jan. 6, 1933
Papa pumped the water out of Uncle Fred’s cellar this morning. Mr. Rennecker & Hy Armstutz are butchering 1 hog at Mrs. Arns today. Bertille got the papers. Mr Wm. Laut & Mr. John Hepp are awful bad sick no hopes for recovery. Mr. Laut got a light stroke again. Mr. Hepp here in town has kidney trouble. There is a big free dance tonite at the Odd Fellow Hall at Waterloo. Seen in the paper that Wm. Sensel’s mother, Mrs. Mary Sensel was buried last Sun. afternoon at Waterloo 74 yrs. old; her husband preceded her in death about 2 yrs. ago. Dr. Sennot died, most probably be buried this afternoon, being ill for several months, in former years, he practice as his doctor in Hecker for several yrs. According to Bill Kleyer’s onion, this is supposed to be a very dry year. Sheriff Al Gaven took Wm. Zimmer Jr. to the Vandalia Penal Farm last Friday. Alf. Mueller who was clerk at Connor’s Store is now employed at Gauen’s Store since the first & Joe Johnson is now employed at Connor’s.
Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1932
It is a nice day again. Steve Rennecker went butchering at Al. Heyl’s. Bertille isn’t feeling well today. Aunt Mary called up to see how we all where; there all about the same yet. Clarence Wittenauer had a general call put over the lines that he had lost a dog. This evening he called into Sheriff Al Gauen, what he should do, because he knew the party was has his dog, he wanted to know wether [sic] it should notify him or just go & get it there. Papa & Rosalia shelled corn this afternoon & killed 25 mice.
Tuesday, July 5, 1932
It rained last nite & looks like somor [sic- some more] today. We washed, ironed. Geo. Lorberg was through here selling pickles last Sat., at 50¢ bu. as they come, he has a acre planted & intend to sew ½ acre Sat. yet, him & Rapp’s & Mueths each have a acre, they have a contract with Gauen at Waterloo. Papa went to Red Bud to see Jac. Erle, about the cars insurance, he canceled all but liability & property damage. He sent the check of for the chev. for $10.06. Steve was over awhile, he ain’t going along with Schilling machine this year, Ham has his place, He got fired.
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