Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1936

We cleaned upstairs, after the rain; A man here want to buy white oak timber. We got the order from Chicago Mail – everything o.k. pap overalls 38 & jumper 42 rather large, Bert shoes 5 o.k. Waterloo is going to have pinic [sic] again this eve; but it is thundering & raining again now. Fr. Frankovich & Uncle Matt are advertising it. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Waterloo Pinic [sic], sure had a nice crowd, had sold over 600 tickets for supper last nite, & had supper again tonite, Waterloo Band played. Herr Hugo German Band, Hug. Radan Orch,; all played a few pieces. We didn’t win anything, from 44 prizes; played a bingo for quilt. Mrs. Pete Kleim won it. It rained a little, but didn’t spoil the pinic [sic] any.

Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1936

Pap went out to help Henry again. We canned 8 qts. kraut. Had chicken dinner. Mondaville has church pinic [sic] today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & took Berti along, had chicken supper there, German Band played; in evening, we stayed till 8:30, had nice time. Pap brought Billy [Willis] along home at noon, & nearly bu. pickles; we canned 16 qts.& 1 gal. & gave some to the neighbors yet. Eggs 20¢. Streets in town look pretty nice.

Saturday, July 4, 1936

Boy! the shooting in town; terrible way late in the nite. Sure hot weather these days’ 96 & 100 today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Rose went to Harrisonville to Catholic Church pinic [sic], had chicken supper there, & came home. German Band from Belleville played. Free dances all over, Log Cabin by Red Bud, Floraville, Dreamland Palace.

Saturday, April 25, 1936

Pap went out & helped Henry bring his mares up; brought 1 along to leave here, so he could plow a few patches. Pap went to Dr. A. Wagner’s sale this afternoon, selling all things. Congratulations was heard on the radio, german band for Arthur Mehrmann by sisters & brothers of Floraville, & for Mary Wagner of Belleville by Bernice, Charles & Melvin Wagner of Hecker. Sam Mosio has a free dance & fish fry, tonite music by Webers Bros. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, he is hauling rock again & she stayed here. Mamie Eichenseer came down awhile. Manier has fish fry.

Saturday, Jan. 25, 1936

Pap got crushing done; Henry & boy’s came up to. Pap, Steve Rennecker, Rob. Laut went to Pete Dehn’s sale, everything was high price, they said; Burdgorf was here looked at the cattle. Steve got 5¢ milk tonite. Joe Manier’s got fish fry tonite. Henry was saying, John Kern is in jail, scraping with Mosio; took our quilt out of the frame today. Rose & Berti name went over the radio today, but they didn’t say requested for Aunt Mary’s birthday, Jimmie & Dick played. Mexican Trail; The German Band, played one for a lady at Evansville this afternoon; Sure got good program tonite from Dismoinies [sic – Des Moines] Iowa; lot of good riddles & jokes.

Saturday, Jan. 11, 1936

Beautiful day. Pap got crushing done; Henry & boy’s came up, got crushing done, also, they took there Sun. clothes along. We sure had good radio musci [sic], this afternoon, German Band. Papa went to Belleville to see Streck Bros; coming out Mon. Walt Herbert, came got the black cow $65.00. Frank Finnerty is having a dance at Pautler’s tonite. Musci [sic] by Moonlight Orch.