Wednesday, March 1, 1939

Beautiful day. Went to Waterloo this afternoon, got mash etc. stopped in at Henry’s. Leona is better today again. Pour kids here selling seeds. Also Grover’ Cleveland, Emil & Steve played solo at Emils this afternoon. Mrs. Renneker & Mrs Cleveland went to Klotz’s quilting. Roads are awful muddy at present.

Thursday, Feb. 9, 1939

Fixed gloves this morn. Henry & Leona & Billy [Willis] came, Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, he took sweet clover seed along; Bill [Klein] came here awhile this morn. Raining nearly all day. Kenneth Kemp got stuck by Hill’s this afternoon. Werner Kammler pulled him out with truck. Awful bad nite, windy & raining so heavy, thunder.

Friday, Feb. 3, 1939

St. Blase Day. Henry & Leona & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville, Robert & Billy [Willis] stayed here. Floyd went to school. Rob. wasn’t feeling very good. Leo & family came to left Marita here & then went to Belleville to, she got new coat. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon, also Emil. Cold today & frozen hard, everybody out. Edwin Reheis is pretty ill with pneumonia, temperature is below normal, down to 87; the children are also pretty sick yet. Bill & Al Karban were here while, played 2 games pinochle.

Thursday, Feb. 2, 1939

Pap went to Waterloo, got laying mash, stopped at Leona’s got butter. Bert [Bertille] ironed, patched etc. The ground hog didn’t, get to see his shadow today, fair weather.

Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1939

Cloudy & warmer today. Leona came & Billy [Willis]. Henry brought them, then went back home again, they helped quilt, had dinner & supper, also Henry & boys came up for supper. Leo & family came to, we finished the quilt & took it out this eve.; played tricks, popped corn etc.

Friday, Jan. 13, 1939

Snowing this morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville. Steve Renneker came got some straw for his chicken house. Eggs 16 [cents] today. Henry & family were up this evening.

Friday, Dec. 30, 1938

Nice day, cold it was 13 this morn. Leo & family came, we went along with them to Henry’s, played cards, checkers etc. had cookies. Mr. Ed Meng had another stroke & passed out at 4:05 this eve. Meng Undertaker of Freeburg got him this eve. he had 6 strokes & 5 yrs. since he had the stroke he couldn’t talk plain.

Monday, Dec. 26, 1938

Raining nearly all day. Bill [Klein] came & took us along to Leo’s. Henry’s family also went for dinner & supper; played cards, checkers etc. Pap went along home with Henry’s & Bert [Bertille] went along with Bill to there place, for him to do his work, then came home again.

Sunday, Dec. 25, 1938

Christmas. Went to 6 o clock mass, stayed for 2nd mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henry & family & Leo & family & Bill were here for Turkey dinner & supper, took pictures in afternoon, beautiful warm day. Went out to Henrys this evening, seen what Santa Claus brought, tree etc. so many things.

Monday, Dec. 19, 1938

We butchered 1 hog & Uncle Fred 1 – 186 lbs. @ $7.50. Leo & family & Henry & family. Billy. helped. Emil came over awhile; Josie Keller came out, took lot of sausage meat etc & egg along back; had supper here; took stuff along for other families.