We all went up in the woods, took dinner along, but it started in to rain, came home at 12’o clock, rained all afternoon. Berti baked cookies; & we put quilts together; have the “Goose Track” all set together & border on; now started the stitched one. Bernice Wagner came, selling chances on a turkey to be raffled out on Dec 24. at the Public School House, we took 1, 10¢ each kid has 20 chances to sell – 3 – 25¢. Pierre Laut was also here, but we can’t take chances from all of them. Mr. Geo Dehn of Ellis Grove died at 3:20 this afternoon, he was ailing for quite awhile, had 3 pralatic [sic – paralytic] strokes. Mrs Rennecker’s brother.
Wednesday, May 1, 1935
Schools Public are out today, with pinics [sic]. Papa went on a trip, Red Bud, Waterloo, paid pew rent $10.00, & gave Father the quilt that we made, to donate to the church, Goose Track. Mrs. Donahue was buried this morning Tiptown & Kirsh this afternoon at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up; We went to church. May Devotion tonite; Paderborn Church is giving a euchre this evening. Boy! did it rain, about 1:30, thunder, terrible wind storm, blew some more shingles of the roof; also Fred Eichenseers little house. We cut lawn trimmed everything this morning. Patched this afternoon.
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