Cloudy all day. Laut’s basement is all dug out now, ready to pour cement. Bert [Bertille] took eggs up got 15 [cents] – 8 doz. Chas. Rey from Waterloo came this morn. bought the 10 pigs, going to get them this afternoon; $7 a piece. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, went to Phil Muertz sale, government selling him out, Perry May was sale cryer, & Steve Griffin clerk; things brought fair price, Emil came over to. Report of Rose Mueth being dead is false, nothing to it, she is living & getting better, sure some talk going around false.
Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1932
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & got the grass mower, & cut his alfalfa hay. We dug out 4 rows potatoes again this afternoon. Hy. Armstutz came there awhile, the way he says they had the sheriff out here from Waterloo, on account of Harry Stiffler, he wanted to see his kid & Gambachs wouldn’t let him in, so Mrs. called the Sheriff, he took Harry along to Waterloo put him under arrest. Mildred has to go in tomorrow morning. It rained this evening a good heavy shower. Bertille was in Hecker this afternoon.
Sunday, Feb. 14, 1932
We went to Red Bud to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, & played cards awhile then went home. Mrs. Rennecker was saying this morn. that Mrs. Elmer Kammler is pretty bad sick, she has an awful bad cold. Robert Laut bought the old Mrs. Laut’s place & is going to move up to Hecker, when school is out & Mr. & Mrs. Laut are going by Elmer Kammlers, because Mr. Laut ain’t able to word [sic – work] any more, he can’t carry a bucket of water or a armful of wood.
Friday, Jan. 8, 1932
Papa took Jac. Neff along & they went out to Henrys butchered his heifer, papa brought 54 lbs. along & Neff took 13 lbs. This afternoon papa took Neff along up to the woods, him & Paul want to make wood up there, so papa showed him where to make it at.
Aunt Mary was saying yesterday had Barbarba [sic-Barbara] Meuth was awful bad sick, she was out of her mind, they where going to take her away, she got that way since Sun. nite. they took her to Anna.
Tuesday, May 19, 1931
We are having a nice shower of rain this morning. Eggs are 13¢ now. Jac. Erle was here a little while this evening, he was up at Belleville all day. Papa went to town this evening to find some news, but he didn’t hear much. Bank is about all the news around Hecker these days.
Thursday, March 5, 1931
Papa is plowing & harrowing the potatoe land this morning. Fr. Grootens was here. He wanted to use the truck to get some straw and our brooder. So him & Frank got it. He has 2000 little chicks. He also has a new DeSoto coupe. We planted 2 bu. potatoes this morning. Papa took the team back out to Henry’s again he is going to help him sow oats out there today. He was there for dinner. This afternoon Rosalia had to go out to get him. We have to turn our eggs twice a day now in the incubator. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon. She went to the sewing circle. Tonight is farmers meeting at the new school hall, but none of us went. Eggs are 18¢ today. There was a lady here today & wanted to sell 3 flowers in a basket for 25¢. I send her off. She said she was selling them to support 5 small children & her father. There was a man here wanted to take orders for strawberrie plants, & also a fellow from Waterloo & wanted to sell or advertising Skill Gas. They sure have a time at Blackburns School this year the way Mrs. Ettling told Papa.
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