Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Leo & family all had dinner here. Went to Paderborn to Totsch’s, wustmarket & free dance & crowd musci [sic] by girls. Joe Freund & Vivian Grahleherr were published last time today, & Jack Ganley & girl from St. Louis for 1 – 2 – 3 time. Fr. Aydt was pretty sore made sermon.
Sunday, Oct. 2, 1938
Filed Under: 1938, October, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: Aunt Mary, Aydt, Birkner, Brand, Catholic, Catholic_Church, Catholic_mass, engagement, free_dance, Freund, Fr_Aydt, Ganley, Grahleherr, Grahlherr, Leo, Marita, mass, Orlet, Paderborn, published_banns, Rosalia, sermon, St._Louis, Totsch, Uncle Fred, wedding, Wurstmart, wustmarket
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