Went to Draber’s funeral this morn. brought him out from Belleville, Gardner’s Funeral Home, to church here, mass by Fr. Aydt, Freund, Ratterman took him back to Belleville to Green Mount Cemetery; church was packed, all Orbon Stove Worker’s had to be present here; it was a very sad funeral. We went to Belleville this afternoon shopping. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up to to this morn. Wm. Ganley was here. We went to Emil’s.
Wednesday, May 31, 1933
We washed, ironed, Pete Watchels called there little girl Alsace, & George Lorbergs called there boy William. Ed Scheinder is making hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. Marshal Schender of Smithon [sic] was here, & then him & papa went out to look at Uncle Freds horses. A man was here trying to sell electric plants. We all went out to Ed. Parker’s dance, the crowd wasn’t so large as the other time. Henry Keorber announced a dance at John Lipperts June 10 musci [sic] furnished by Riverside band. Rheinhardt played tonite. Henry Henze Sr. died between 4 & 5 o clock this evening, he has been ailing for quite awhile. Mrs. Pete Wittenauer was buried this morning at Belleville, St. Luke’s church, Green Mount cemetery.
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