Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day, had dinner. Henry & boys came this afternoon. him & papa went to the meeting & paying out of wheat & checks, $37.18 at the school house first, & Mr. Hill wouldn’t give them the key; then went to Griffins Hall, upstairs, but there were so many people, the floor was to weak, so they went to Griffins saloon, there they were paid out & they had no meeting, that is speaking today, which they was going to have. Mr. Ed. Parker came on business, this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker was over tonight, played 3 games pinochle 2 to 1. The boys Robert & Floyd got so much things from the teacher Kruse; ½ doz. oranges, 4 lbs. candy & nuts, play things, Henry cigar.
Monday, May 19, 1930
Today all the Ladies of the Parish have to clean the church for confirmation. Wednesday, the Bishop is coming. Leona, Robert, Floyd were here this morning. Leona & Bertille went to church. Rosalia helped to scrub the church this morning. Bertille went up to practice singing for Wednesday. Father Grooten called up this morning and wanted to know if he could use the Whippet. Papa said “yes.” So he came down and Johnny was here too. Papa went along with him to Chester. He said he wanted to get some rock for the school house. So Papa went with Father too, so I guess he will see Chester for the first time. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Eichenseer’s and got Mamie and then we went to Joseph Braun’s & took our pillow slips back for the picnic. There was a Jefferson Club meeting in Hecker tonight, at Griffin’s Hall. In Kammler’s Hall the boys were tearing the stage out ready for the dance Saturday night.
Sunday, March 23, 1930
Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary and Henry were up for church this morning. After dinner Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s for supper. Christ Buehler and Mrs. Louise Birkner were also there for supper. It just started to rain heavy. There is to be a moving picture show tonight in Griffins Hall, the name is “King of Kings” given by the Catholic Church. But they rang over the (phone) lines to post pone it, then they rang back and said it was going to have it. So Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went up and stopped for Mamie Eichenseer and then went to the show. It was pretty good. They had a pretty fair crowd for the way the weather was. Admission was .40¢ We found 21 eggs today. There is going to be a play in Griffins Hall after Easter.
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