Washed, ironed, pap cleaned barn, nice day, warm again, it is past spring weather, & an awful lot of sickness, paper has so many dieing [sic] of pneumonia. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, put there meat sugar cured here, she said Probsts family all got vacinated [sic] for small pox & some more from town are going to get vacinated [sic] yet, no cases here. Red Bud schools are all closed; only Ganley’s & Grabs had it around here.
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 1939
Filed Under: 1939, January, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: Aunt Mary, Birkner, Brand, chores, death, died, Ganley, Grab, Grob, illness, pneumonia, Probst, Red_Bud, Red_Bud_Schools, sickness, smallpox, smallpox_vaccination, Uncle Fred, vaccinated
Monday, October 1, 1934
We washed, ironed, scrubbed basement, had early dinner & drove to Columbia to see Mr. Kern, but he was at Chester we bought several articles at Weilbacher’s Store; & Wm. Vogts Store, nice places; stopped at Waterloo a little. Mr. Grob 44 yrs. old. Furniture Store man was buried at Columbia, died of pneoumia [sic – pneumonia]. There is a Socialist Meeting at Kirsch School House tonite. Mr. Cooper as speaker, sponsored by Wm Weigand Jr. as comittee [sic] man; refreshments will be served.
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