Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pie & made chicken. Frida [? – unclear] Fritsche was here wanted to buy corn. It was 34 [degrees] this morn. ice. Went to Red Bud took our radio along to Guker but it still is the same yet; went to Waterloo to church, & to get Bert’s [Bertille] watch had it cleaned & new glass put on $2.00.
Saturday, Aug. 19, 1939
Rained this morn. again. Went to Red Bud to Louis Deincks sale Mrs. Chas. Hepp’s father; this afternoon so much to sale & crwod. Percy Starr Auctioneer, we got jugs. 2 – 3 – 5 gal. each. 16 [cents] 35 [cents] things sold pretty good, good prices. Bert [Bertille] went to Cowells & got cigars won at Red Bud pinic [sic], took them to Guker’s & traded for small cigars – they were the 2 for 5 [cents]. $1.10 Henry came this eve. brought potatoes last now, all dug.
Monday, Jan. 24, 1938
Washed. Raining & snowing; windy, rained nearly all nite. Cleaned chicken house; barn this afternoon. Mildred Watchel was around for news. John Braun & Guker oil agents were here again, wanted to sign the lease, we didn’t yet so far.
Thursday, Oct. 15, 1936
Pap went out sewing wheat again with the spring wagons. Rose took load wheat to Waterloo $1.13, we helped Leona, washed & stretched curtains; no school today Teacher meeting. We had dinner out there. Wheat is $1.13 that is what we got. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. A Hucksteer [sic? – huckster], from Red Bud was here comes every Thurs. has fruit & vegetables, we bought bananas. Budde got our old radio, took it to Guker’s at Red Bud; we kept his Philco electric, on even trade.
Monday, Sept. 28, 1936
Raining all day & cooler. Henry & Leona went to Belleville. Billy stayed here; boys were at school. The town lights were put up today, we had lights all over town tonite, at 5:05, turned on over at New Athens. Mr. Bill Kammler died, yesterday morn, of a cancer & stroke, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at the church & cemetery. Mr. Guker of Red Bud brought Joe Walcthel radio up $42.50 pretty nice, Philio, also brought a $17.00 here, its small Philio, nice an loud, we should keep it for a week, till Sun. morn.
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 1935
Lincoln’s birthday. Made a hot bed today for sweet potatoes & tomatoes. Steve Renneker came over awhile; this morning & tonight again. Mr. Guker & Bill Braun of Red Bud were here on business this evening. Braun is a chev. sales agent. Beautiful day.
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