Pap went to barber shop. Stoeckel painter is out all day. Pap went to Burksville sale; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Fr. Feldmann & brothers sale at Red Bud. bought box jars etc. for Rose [Rosalia] for 20¢; wasn’t much of a sale. Nic Frisch has sale to, that is over near New Athens. R. Besher & Fern Gully; family are moving on that place. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert wasn’t along to Log cabin, supposed to be a wedding dance, couple from E. St. Louis, but they never came at all, Webers Bro. playing & no crowd, we came home ten o’clock.
Friday, Jan. 2, 1931
Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morn. & Papa went out to Oscar Birkner’s. This afternoon he went out in the woods. Fr. Grootens & Frank Swindle were here this evening & looked at our new pigs, they said “they are sure nice.” H.M. Hill was reporting the news to the Belleville Papers that the Hecker bank shut its doors. I seen in the Waterloo Times that Miss Helen Keckritz & a Cowell from Red Bud had a collision & Miss Keckritz machine got on fire & was completely pushed off the road & all damaged, it happened between Red Bud & Waterloo, she & a few more friends were going to the Brickey School, when the accident happened. I believe she has a new Whippet now. Emmett Cowell of Red Bud, the store manager of there was fined $102 (he had no license) for buying furs of a certain kind. Robert Basecher 19 of Red Bud & Miss Fern Gully 20 of the same place were married last week. Dr. Fentor also of Waterloo was in a collision in E. St. Louis & Mr. & Mrs. Fenton & their niece was hurt seriously. Henry Kessler of Hecker has just passed his 70th birthday anniversary & says he is going to withdraw from the Woodmen.
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