Papa is fixing fence again, will soon be finished now. The Y.P.L. of Hecker, are giving a play intitled [sic], “Gates to Happiness” tonite at Kammler’s Hall; Adm. 35¢ dancing after play. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went up, but it wasn’t so nice, no pep at all; Characters were: Hy. Spalt, Clarence & Ralph Rausch, Harold Wagner, Floyd Thompson: Carol Papbenberg, Vernice Rausch, Marjorie Rausch, Mrs. Arthur Hepp, Alsace Eckert. The hall was crowded. Irene Reheis, furnished musci [sic]. Rev. Hasto painted the backgrounds, furniture came from N. Athens. Papa took load wheat to Red Bud, 90¢, got sack chic mash. Mrs. Gambach & daughter have a new 1935 model Chev Sedan; today. There were gypsies at J. Kaltwasser’s today, ransacked the place, took coffee & bread.
Wednesday, July 22, 1931
Papa & Rosalia duged [sic] potatoes this morning. Bertille baked bread & coffeecake. This afternoon the threshing machines where all going to start again, but around 1 o clock we had a shower rain, so that put them back another day, I guess. Just before noon today, there was a car passed here, with 4 ladies dressed as gypsies. Clifford told us they took $15.00 from George Neff, the two of them where in Eichenseer’s store. Clifford brought our mail along too. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here again this evening, he went to Red Bud. It rained mostly all night.
Thursday, Sept. 18, 1930
We are baking bread & coffee cake today. Papa furnished harrowing this morning & this afternoon started plowing. We had company this afternoon, they were neighbors to Mr. Greinvell at Smithton. They wanted to buy some leghorn pullets, but they only wanted about 5 or 6 & we couldn’t sell them that way, they either had to take them all or’s none. There were some gypsies went through Hecker with the wagon & horses. We found 27 eggs today. We took 5 doz. off & got .25¢ a doz. Mrs. Adolph Rittemeyer is on the sick list at present the way we heard.
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