Pretty cold, also yesterday morn. Henry brought load corn; white frost this morn. Ella Miller’s son in law is being buried this afternoon, his wife died yr. ago; leaves 2 children. had pneumonia, sick for 4 days. 41 yrs. old lives in Belleville. Uncle Fred came & him & pap went to school grounds, haul toilets home with the wagon & team; had dinner out there. Bert [Bertille] patched. Gauen came got ham 14½ lbs. @ 40¢. – cloudy this afternoon. Raining tonite; we went over to see Emil awhile, read papers etc.
Saturday, Aug. 10, 1935
Henry came & got his team & a wagon; had lunch here & engine moved out about 6 o’clock this morning. Katie Keorber youngest daughter of Louis Keorber & Wm. Weber’s boy were married last Sat. at 3:30 Smithon [sic] church; going to start in farming. Pap & Rose hauling wheat from Henry’s to Waterloo. Al Gauen came & got a 13½ lb. ham, 35¢. The price of hogs now is $12 – 100, market. Richard Crowe was out helping with threshing yesterday. Rained this morn. Wheat 77¢ had 17 bus. hauled to Waterloo. We went to a free dance at Pautlers tonite, nice crowd, Carle Schumacher Orchestra.
Monday, July 17, 1933
Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s, took our wash along, & washed, ironed, patched. Bertille stayed & Robert & Floyd went along home, with Rosalia, & helped dig potatoes. Philip Mueth was here & bought hams 2 for 15¢ lb.
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