Rained last nite & morning. Went to Belleville with 2 hogs; left Whip. by Bill [Klein] to fix he took us home in his truck, & fixed our pump, had dinner here. We got sweet potatoes & turnip ready to take to Belleville tomorrow. Dorothy Pautler – Phil Pautler’s daughter of Evansville & Jerome Harbaugh of Boxtown are being married this morn, dance at Boxtown tonite. Ben Heyl was here looked at heifers. Oll. Englerth & Bill [Klein] came this eve. Bill & Bert [Bertille] & Al. Karban & girl friend went to St. Louis to see Veil Prophet parade, “Gay Nineties” it was beautiful.
Wednesday, March 15, 1939
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came & Bert [Bertille] went to church funeral of Mrs. Parker 49. church was crowded; mass said by Fr. Aydt, Rattermans Schumacher. Pallbearers are Oscar Birkner, Adam Eckert, Ed Schneider, Ted Eichenseer, Willie Harbaugh, Roy Staufenbiel. People here from all over. Myerscough of Ruma etc. Bert [Bertille] went to quilting again this afternoon, finished 1 quilt done. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud lent service tonite.
Tuesday, April 5, 1938
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt Mary] & Bert [Bertille] went to Mrs. Griffins funeral she was 31 yrs. old. pallbearers were Noel Roscow, Gus Frisch, Wm. Harbaugh; 3 fellows from her side, from Freeburg. Had a Solemn Requeim [sic] Mass; by Aydt, Orlet, & Shoemaker, who gave her the Catholic Instructions. Fr. Aydt had a very nice sermon, church was crowded, buried her at Waterloo cemetery were the twins are also buried; 2 girls. Henry came brought the truck & got his car; got $9.25 for his calf. Steve Stiffler came this eve.
Friday, July 16, 1937
We went to Belleville yesterday afternoon. pap went to dentist. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to Chris Buehler’s to help thresh; brought the lawn mower along, Bert [Bertille] cut ours & his to. Got papers at noon seen, Berts school teacher Louis Schilling died, & to be buried this afternoon, we got dressed & went to funeral just got there when they were leaving the house, so we went to church, it was packed, lots of flowers, Wagner had charge of funeral, he was 28 yrs. old had been suffering a yr. had to quite [sic – quit] teaching in middle of last yrs. term, his brother taught in his place he didn’t look at all natural, he had cancer; passed away at 5 o’clock Wed. morn; survived by father & mother, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schilling & brother Eugene who is also a teacher & a step sister; was laid to rest in Burksville Cemetery. Mr & Mrs L. Wahlous of Waterloo nee Bea Maus have a baby boy born July 11 at St. Marys hospital – 8 lb. Mrs. Clarence Mudd also passed away at Modoc Ill; formerly lived in Waterloo had grocery store there; was 33 yrs. old. Herb. Bertram & Rose Harbaugh were married at 6 o clock mass at Waterloo on July 13, attendants being John Schaefer & Irene Harbaugh. So many pinics [sic] advertised for to be held in Aug. Herman Lucht horse prairie Ins. man was here collecting Ins. policy to run out this non. $17.50. that is house & farm buildings Ins. at Henry’s. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in from Buehler’s threshing; it rained, had to quite [sic – quit] about 4:30. Wm. Wiegand treated a keg beer, box soda then; he is running for Co. Commisioner; it didn’t rain so much here, nice shower.
Friday, Oct. 30, 1936
Beautiful day. Bill Fritsche look & fix our furnace. Pap went up in woods, got load corn fodder. Frank Kroll wanted to see him, about lots at cemetery, so he had to go out there. Henry Schaefer of Waterloo died, to be buried tomorrow, at Hecker cemetery. Fr. Aydt to have mass at Waterloo at 10′ o clock then out to cemetery, there is 3 funeral masses at Waterloo, 2 are Stackels, one being Hy. Emery’s father in law, & Schaefer. Joe Gregson & Lester bought 2 acres of land from Wil. Harbaugh, $800.00, going to operate & build a filling station, it is already staked of. We went to Belleville this afternoon, pap went to dentist again.
Sunday, Oct. 4, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Mrs. Feldmann died, will be buried Tues. morn. solemn high mass; the mother of Father Feldmann, expecting 20 priests, from all over. Omer & Tillie went to Fort Chartres & Renault & home. Leo was down, they had supper here, went to Paderborn to Tolsetis tonite, free dance, & fish fry, had nice crowd. Skaers played. Geo. Boll bought our disk $10. Mr. Dare, bought the drill $8. Wm. Harbaugh was here to see Uncle. Hecker baseball team has a dance at Kammler’s Adm. 25. Schmidt’s Merry Maker playing musci [sic]; wasn’t so much of a crowd, they say. There is a free wedding anniversary dance at Donahue’s tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch. Barry May, Eichelmann’s all have shooting matches, for geese & ducks today.
Tuesday, Dec. 24, 1935
Pap & Rosalia went to Red Bud to John Schumacher’s funeral, so many people, the church was crowded; 11 priests with Fr. Stern. Fr. Schumacher & Harbaugh said mass; Fecklenburg sermon. Rose & Berti went out to Blackburn’s School, to see the program; It was pretty good; Alf. May’s boy was Santa. Quite a few people were there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she went to church, he went down to Red Bud. They went home & came back again, stayed in town all nite. Henry & family also came up awhile, got overalls, tablets, & tops etc. had candy, nuts, apples, cookies. Received Christmas card from Duddenhefers.
Thursday, Dec. 12, 1935
Emil’s birthday. Berti baked cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up in the woods & got load rack; took milk & butter along home. Fredrick Fritsche came asked if he could go hunting here. Papa told him it was alright. Uncle brought the Belleville paper along up for us to read, they get it daily now. Mrs. Arthur Hepp was in the hospital, tonsils taken out. Steve Neff’s have a baby born at hospital. Willie Krehers have also a baby girl born Dec. 5. Webers Quarry is to be moved from Harbaughs farm to Rittmeyer’s, Weber has taken the Claus house in town, to pieces & will erect it out at the Quarry. Eichenseers have a new Chev. which costs $791.00 complete, trunk etc.
Monday, Oct. 14, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she & Rose & Berti went to church funeral mass of Mrs. Griffin, we went up to see her last nite; looks natural & had the most beautiful flowers & so many room nearly filled; the church was crowded; Dashner Undertaker, four sons, Steve, Ed, Joe & Albert & Noel Roscow & Wm. Harbaugh were pallbearers; & Mr. Griffin, & Pearl, surviving; didn’t open it in church. Mr. Hill came got the telephone dues. Mr. Bill Lehr flus inspector was here, our chimney needs repairing. We went out helped Leona wash, took ours along to; finished it all up; cleaned kitchen. Eggs 25¢. Wm. Ganley came paid interest; stayed awhile.
Friday, June 28, 1935
We cut in 3 gals. sour kraut [sic], bus. basket full. Leona brought Henry & Emil up, she went back had to go to Waterloo Robert to instructions. Joe Watchel was here yesterday evening awhile. Mr. Fred Werner died, buried this afternoon at Belleville, Walnut Hill cemetery. He was pretty old. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he helped shack wheat this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Vic Geodelle of Waterloo have a 9½ lb. baby girl born June 26 & Herman Miller of St. Louis have a 7½ lb. baby girl born June 21. Mr. & Mrs. Harbaugh grand parents of Waterloo.
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