Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was up, got there sausage, & kettle fat. We washed, ironed, baked hardzorn [sic – hartshorn] 1 cookies. Rose sewed shirts for boys. Celestine Neff was here, selling tickets for the play tomorrow night.
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1934
Filed Under: 1934, December Tagged With: Aunt Mary, baking, chores, hartshorn_cookies, Neff, Rosalia, Uncle Fred
Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1932
Rosalia went to Hecker, got a few things from store. We baked hardzorn [sic – hartshorn] cookies this morn. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, got a load of wheat took it to Waterloo, got 34¢ bus. for it.
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