Thursday, Aug. 2, 1934

Billy’s [aka Willis] 1 yr. old. Mr. Rettinghouse buried year ago today. We went to Belleville this morning took 17 3/8 lbs. chicks along 15¢; got new hats 29¢. We went out to the birthday, Geodelle’s, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Grover, were there, cake was served.

Wednesday, Jan. 28, 1931

We went to Belleville this morn. & sold 5 doz. eggs for .25¢ & 12 doz. for .20¢.  We got new hats today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there too.  The way it looks like Elmer Kammlers are moving today.  They are loading up things, rugs & boxes up too Gambachs place, but they wasn’t told to move by Uncle Fred & Elmer never say anything to him.  Tonight is euchre in the new school hall again.  Papa & Rosalia are hauling water from Henry’s cistern and are putting it in ours, with milk cans.  Papa took the milk cans back to Oscar Birkners & Ronerbergs again.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening & then we all went to the euchre, there wasn’t many people there.  Rosalia & Aunt Mary each won a prize.  Rosalia had 7 points & got a hat.  Aunt Mary had 8 points & got a pair of pillow cases.