Papa went to Waterloo to the Court House today to hear what the lawyers got to say about the stockholders of the Hecker Bank. Bertille went to church this morning. We washed the Whippet this afternoon. Jac. Erle was here this morning. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Philip Freund were all here this evening, then we all went to the Euchre & dance given by the Catholics. Adm. as enter 35¢. Papa had 6 points & got a shawl, & Rosalia 5 points & got a tie, Bertille only had 3. There were only 8 games played. The bed spread was won by Raphael Neff, & Bertha Weber, & Marie Rausch got a choice on quilt & lumber jacket. Eggs are 15¢ today.
Monday, March 16, 1931
Papa went out to help Henry in the woods again today, he was there for dinner. Mr. Hill was here this morning, & told us about some pea sticks. This week is court week, it is today for the stockholders of the Bank. We washed, ironed, & patched. Fr. Grootens has Lorberg, Wittenauer’s, Braun’s, trucks to haul each a load of coal for the church & school, today they coal oil heaters in the school room’s for the children. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening & planted their onions in the garden. They were here for supper. Eggs are 17¢.
Sunday, March 8, 1931
It is snowing & awful cold this morn. Papa didn’t go to church today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner today. Henry was up & got medicine for Floyd, he has the measles now. Papa paid Uncle Fred for the seed potatoes today. 2 bu for $1.80. Today is August Blackburn’s birthday. Fr. Grootens went down to the Evangelical Church between our masses, & before there service & preached a sermon about the bank. They should do as he says & everything will be allright. Fred Schaefer brought Rome Meng home this evening, he was snowed under he couldn’t hardly hold him up. Philip & Bill Freund were here this evening & we all went to church.
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1931
We started fire in the furnace again today. Tonight is a meeting for the people on account of reopening the bank in the school hall. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Rosalia is on the sick list with headaches, colds. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family came up. Henry & Uncle Fred went to the meeting. Leona brought a dress pattern along up. There was a funeral went past here today. The Smithton minister was in the lead. Dashner’s Ambulance & 9 cars following.
Saturday, Jan. 24, 1931
Papa got crushing done this morn. It is such a nice day too, it is warm for being Jan. Willie Ganley’s children got the measles. Paul Pour has them too. Gilbert Birkner was sent home from school the other day, he had fever. Henry was here this morning, he brought some oats up too the preist’s from Peter Reheis. There was a man from Collinsville here this morning. He wants to buy timber. Papa went up town this afternoon. Walter Weber’s of E. St. Louis have a little baby girl. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here this afternoon. They came up to file in their claim in the Hecker Bank. Frank Birkner’s have a little baby boy since yesterday afternoon. They are going to christened it Sun. afternoon, Roland.
Friday, Jan. 16, 1931
Papa isn’t feeling well this morning. Bertille got the mail. In the Waterloo Paper it states that Mr. & Mrs. Matt Crowe have a twin boy & girl at St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis. They now have seven children 4 boys & 3 girls. Rosalia & Bertille went up in the woods this afternoon & got a load. But we had to put chains on & then take them off again. We stopped at Henry’s first. This evening is bank meeting at the new school. Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. The men folks went to the meeting they said there was an awful crowd there. Fr. Grootens was the main speaker & H. M. Hill made a few remarks that Mr. Burkhardt said that he thought everybody would be paid out in full if they gave him time, about a year or so. We played 4 handed pinochle. Bertille & Leona, & Rosalia & Aunt Mary, we each won one game. Then Elsie & Alfred Eckert came & wanted to sell seeds. Aunt Mary bought a package of seed corn. They all left about 10:30.
Thursday, Jan. 15, 1931
Bertille baked cookies this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morning, & then Papa went along with Uncle Fred to Waterloo to see a party there. They were here for dinner & supper. After dinner Uncle Fred & Papa went out to see Wm. Harbaugh, but he wasn’t at home. Then they went to see Jos. Braun & he wasn’t at home. So about 2 o’clock they called him up & then he was at home, so they went there & had a talk with him. Then they went into Waterloo again & then down to see Arma & John Braun. Henry & Leona went to Red Bud to the dentist this afternoon & left the kids here. Bertille got the mail this evening. Rosalia finished sewing aprons. Aunt Mary & Bertille started piecing the quilt together that we started. There was quilting this afternoon at the School Hall but none of us went there. Henry was by Christ Buehler’s today & brought a Red Rooster along for $1.00. The bank is now sealed shut since last Tuesday. Mr. Burkhardt of Red Bud has the book, bonds.
Sunday, Jan. 11, 1931
Henry & family were here for dinner today, after that we played pinochle. Papa & Leona won against Henry & Bertille. Angela Eichenseer was here this afternoon, then Rosalia & Angela & Papa & Bertille we won 4 games out of 5 that one we lost. Fr. Grootens has a sermon about the bank this morning. He said the Waterloo Bank. Jas. Schmidt, Roy Gauer, Dr. Pintler & him were going to Springfield tomorrow & find out about it. This evening Angela came back again then we played 2 more games of pinochle & Rosalia & Angela won both of them. We heard today that Rosie & Mamie Meuth left Joe Meuth’s last Tues. evening, walked off & went to Waterloo. There are a good many cars passing tonight I guessed there all going to the dance down at Wiegand’s, we were invited, but didn’t go. It rained all day.
Friday, Jan. 2, 1931
Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morn. & Papa went out to Oscar Birkner’s. This afternoon he went out in the woods. Fr. Grootens & Frank Swindle were here this evening & looked at our new pigs, they said “they are sure nice.” H.M. Hill was reporting the news to the Belleville Papers that the Hecker bank shut its doors. I seen in the Waterloo Times that Miss Helen Keckritz & a Cowell from Red Bud had a collision & Miss Keckritz machine got on fire & was completely pushed off the road & all damaged, it happened between Red Bud & Waterloo, she & a few more friends were going to the Brickey School, when the accident happened. I believe she has a new Whippet now. Emmett Cowell of Red Bud, the store manager of there was fined $102 (he had no license) for buying furs of a certain kind. Robert Basecher 19 of Red Bud & Miss Fern Gully 20 of the same place were married last week. Dr. Fentor also of Waterloo was in a collision in E. St. Louis & Mr. & Mrs. Fenton & their niece was hurt seriously. Henry Kessler of Hecker has just passed his 70th birthday anniversary & says he is going to withdraw from the Woodmen.
Thursday, January 1, 1931
We all went to church this morn. Leona was here by herself this morn. because Henry & the kids have an awful cold. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Uncle Adam & Emil were all here for dinner & supper today. Uncle Joe was here a little while this morning he brought a radio receiver here for Uncle Fred. This evening, Leo Wittenauer, Philip, & Wm. & Creses Freund were all here & we had a six handed game of pinochle & Oh! the fun. Bertille, Philip, Leo were partners & won every game, we played 3 games, they all left about 12 o’clock. Fr. Grootens had a sermon this morn. – on the Hecker Bank closed. There are people working study [?] all the time.
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