Went to Leo’s took peaches along for her. she [Rosalia] got 23 qts., not has 46 if they don’t spoil. Pap went to Kleins look at heifers; didn’t buy yet; we had to go home by way of Schoenborn’s, also stoped [sic], seen Mr. Schoenborn who has been paralysed [sic] for couple years; oiling the road. Raining this eve. pretty nice for quite awhile. Mary Schaefer was buried at Hecker cemetery yesterday morn; Aunt to Jac Schaefer where she made her house, old lady.
Tuesday, March 14, 1939
Baked cookies & pie. Wolferts tuck of Belleville got the heifer $25.00; he had mule, an traded with Gus Blackburn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came & Bert [Bertille] went along to New Athens to see quilt show; so many beautiful quilts. at Geigers. Went out to see Mrs. Parker for 1/2 hr. Bert [Bertille] went quilting at Firemen’s this eve & nite. Getting colder.
Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1937
Beautiful day. Kleins got the mule this morn. $125.00 We went to Leo’s; started at 7:30 cutting chop; finished dinner time & sawed hrs. wood this afternoon. Wacthel outfit & Jake & 2 J. Mueth’s, & M. Karban – 8 men altogether. C. Buehler stopped in took Henry’s hide from heifer along to St. Louis. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Emil & Josie were also cleaning etc; brought tub dishes etc.
Monday, Nov. 30, 1936
Pretty cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary going to saw wood today; got 24 loads; starting 7:20 this morn. Krebs saw, & O. Birkner, Henry, pap & himself; had dinner, took till about 3 o’clock when finished. Burdgorf of Red Bud got the heifer $210 & 3 lbs. good beef, get it when you want it. Eggs 31¢. Got calandar [sic] from Techny Ill. Al. Cleveland’s family were here played 6 hand pinochle game.
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 1935
Last day of the year. Pap & Berti went to Waterloo this morning, got egg mash, went to see Bershe & Ziebold’s Radios. Mr. Jerome Vogt came, counted our pigs & pap had to sign contracts. Papa went to Chris Buehler’s this afternoon, he bought 3 heifers $42 from him. An egg peddler Moll stopped looked at our cows, the one is sold, he might come back again later on, but the time the other one will have a calf. Mr. Streck came out & looked the cattle over, but didn’t buy.
Sunday, April 14, 1935
Today it is a little warmer, Palm Sun. The Evangical [sic] churches have confirmation today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morning, went home & came back this afternoon, for services, had supper here. A guy from Foster Pond was here & bought our drill for $10.00 cash. Dominic & Alois Roth was here, looked at our horses & colt. We went up to Reifsceinder’s farm by Belleville looked at his hiefers [sic], has 2 nice ones there, then we went in there to see him & bought the 2 delivered for $28.00. When we came home Henry & family came they had been here, went out to Aunt Mary’s awhile, & came back here again.
Wednesday, April 3, 1935
Cleaned back yard. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon – had supper, we went to church this eve. lent devotions. Mr. Eugene Bruns was taken to Belleville hospital in Bux Ambulance this afternoon, he was sawing lumber & got hit in the forehead, pretty bad they say; cut right between the eyes. Eggs 19¢; Papa went out, through Blackjack, bought heifer for $8.00 from Larson by Burksville.
Thursday, March 28, 1935
We cleaned upstairs. We all, went to Pamier’s sale by New Athens, Mrs. Spalts sister; started this morning & big sale, lot things; papa bought $14.55 heifer, went home got the rack & came back, loaded it up, we went along with Uncle Fred’s to Athen’s Gieger’s 2¢ sale; then came back to the sale again, we run out of gas coming home, Hug Probst had to bring 1 gal out, by Alp. Parker’s. The lawn mower sharpener called this evening, but we have ours fixed now. Sold 20 doz. eggs @ 17¢ & 5 hens, 39 lbs. @ 14¢. Cool day.
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