Went to mass. Cool today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. AuBuchon & Purtle were published at Red Bud for 1st time this morn. Floraville has pinic [sic] & Home Coming today & chicken dinner & supper, the church. Belleville street fair which was to be last nite is posponed [sic] till today & nite; on account of rain last nite. Hubbard came back again today, wanted to see mule; but was to late didn’t go to Henry’s, coming again some time later to see it. Clem Parker & Lar. Kaiser giving birthday dance at Kammler’s tonite. Adm. 25 [cents]. Happy Ramblers playing, nice crowd. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to Floraville pinic [sic], they had open air dance. Schmidt’s playing, to cold for pinic; crowd was pretty fair in afternoon, but not as good in evening to cold. Greg Neff’s had their baby girl christened at Paderborn this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Karban sponsor, called it Dorothy.
Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1938
Nice cool morning, after all the rain yesterday. Bert [Bertille] ironed, patched; pap. plowed orchard & harrowed it. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon working across street. Hall’s big animal circus , coming to town tomorrow nite only. Adm. 20 & 10. and elphant [sic] weighing 5000 lbs. big girl jumbo. Henry & family & Leo & family. It is awful cool this eve; with light rain.
Friday, Aug. 26, 1938
Nice cool day. Pap cut 3 shocks corn has 10 cut now. Then hauled 2 loads wood, put 1 in basement. Henry & family brought 3 sacks potatoes, then went to Gus Blackburn’s school meeting.
Tuesday, Aug. 23, 1938
Went out to Henry’s got load oats. Had chicken dinner, made 5 gal. grape wine. Wittenauer’s cut a patch weeds of. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary’s 40 yrs. Wedding Ann. went to Ruma pinic [sic] to celebrate; left here by 3 o’clock; they went down for supper. The fire engine was called to Nic Mueth’s, field fine this afternoon at 3 o clock.
Saturday, Aug. 20, 1938
Pap went to Waterloo to see The Eddy place being sold by McDermott the heirs. Phil Mueth got it $2350.00 – 80 acres almost $30. @ acre; him & Geo. Schiling were the bidders. Went to Maeystown this eve. to see Louis Schilling had a mower for sale, sold it yesterday for $10.00, just were to late; stopped at Henry’s .
Friday, Aug. 19, 1938
Went to Leo’s finished clover, Leo & pap took 2 hogs of Leo’s to Strecks got $8.75 weighed 405 lbs.; had dinner also threshers Stahl & man & Martin Karban, last nite supper also. Went in to Waterloo to Bersche sale, crowd & things brought fair price didn’t get a thing; couldn’t get near the sale cryer at all so many people. Harry Wittenauer putting up hay this afternoon. Henry was up to see Fr. Aydt
Monday, Aug. 15, 1938
Went to 6:15 Holiday Mass. Birkners were here awhile. We cleaned chickens etc. delivered everything cake, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, lard beets. Rained a little, light showers. Nice cool. Emil came awhile. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville. Henry came this eve. he was to see Fr. Aydt. about sending Rob. [Robert] to Hecker School it’s alright he should send him; for to make his solemn communion.
Thursday, Aug. 11, 1938
Nice cool all day. Pap hauled 2 loads rock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he cut lawn etc. Major Bowes on radio tonite honored city. E. St. Louis. Hy [Henry] brought sack feed down, took 3 chances on Red Bud pinic [sic] prizes. Clara Gregson took 1 this morn. Emil went along with Gus. Blackburns today to Centralia’s yesterday with Clevelands to get peaches. Smithton boys were going around here selling peaches from Centralia for $1. bu. not nice at all.
Monday, Aug. 8, 1938
Pap went & got Rose [Rosalia] & baby [Marita], we canned 25 qts peaches & tomatoes & cooked catsup & preserves. boy what a hot day. Leo came for supper, to get them. Henry & family came this eve. also.
Saturday, Aug. 6, 1938
Pap got load gravel; took basket peaches along to Henry’s. Went to Belleville this afternoon to church. Awful hot.
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